OpenSite Designer CONNECT Edition

General Tools

Ribbon: Geometry




Import geometry elements that are stored in the cogo databases if they are MX (FIL), InRoads (ALG or FIL), or GEOPAK (GPK )elements.

Import horizontal geometry element from an ASCII file via a text wizard.

Import horizontal geometry points from an ASCII file via a text wizard.

Import vertical geometry element from an ASCII file via a text wizard.

Exports selected civil geometry elements into one of the following cogo databases: MX FIL files, InRoads ALG files, or GEOPAK GPK files.

Design Elements

Designate which of potentially several profile elements will drive the 3D model.

Designates which of potentially several terrain models in the active file or referenced.

The active terrain model is the model which is displayed by default in profile models and is the default target for corridor modeler.

Places all elements matching the Graphical Filter into a MicroStation selection set.


Lets you assign a design standard to an element that previously had none. The design standard, which is active in the design standard toolbar, is the one that will be assigned to the selected element(s).

Assigns a design standard to a Civil Geometry element or changes the design standard on an element.

Assigns a feature definition to a civil geometry element, or changes the feature definition on an element.

Uses the commands on the Features Toggle Bar to activate and deactivate settings that impact a variety of Geometry commands.

Imparts one element's characteristics to another.

Provides feedback on a variety of issues that can affect the design process, such as errors in constructions and design standards that have been violated.

Adds a note of your own to a particular element in a drawing.

Allows the assignment of multiple design speeds to an alignment based on station range.

Civil Toggles

Activates or deactivates AccuDraw.

Activates the civil rules on selected elements which have previously been deactivated.

Deactivates the civil rules on selected elements but does not remove them.

Removes rules on selected elements. When rules are removed, the manipulators are unavailable for editing and the elements will not update.

Deactivates reference rules on selected elements.


Generate a report from selected civil horizontal geometry elements.

Creates a Geometry Point report for selected points.

Creates an XML report data file that includes information about the selected vertical alignments.

Generates a report based on a closed set of civil horizontal elements and reference elements.

Generates a report containing precision information based on plotted data rather than the internal precision stored by the software.

Creates a report that contains station offset data for selected horizontal geometry elements.

Creates a report that contains point name, point feature, station, and offset from selected points to a baseline MicroStation or civil horizontal geometry or survey element.

Creates a report that contains station offset data for selected horizontal geometry elements.

Superelevation reports can be generated for a single or multiple sections. The reports are displayed in the Civil Report browser.