OpenSite Designer CONNECT Edition


Ribbon: Geometry



Open Profile Model

Generates a View that presents a desired feature in profile thus enabling the Vertical Geometry tools to interact with the chosen feature.

Set Active Profile

Designates which of potentially several profile elements will drive the 3D model. The result is the creation of a 3D spline in the 3D model representing the combination of the Horizontal alignment plus the Design profile.

Profile Creation

Profile from Surface - Generate a profile whose elevations are determined by draping onto a surface. The surface may be a terrain model, a mesh, or mesh solid.

Quick Profile From Surface - Generate a profile of a civil horizontal element by draping onto a surface (terrain model, a mesh, or mesh solid).

Project Profile to Element - Shows one element's profile in the Profile View of another element.

Project Profile Range to Element - Show a portion of one elements profile in the profile space of another element.

Project Extended Profile - Show, in an element's profile view, the profiles of adjacent elements.

Profile Intersection Point - Indicate in a Profile View where one element crosses another. The point is placed at the station and elevation of the intersected element. The intersected element must have a designated active profile.


Profile Line Between Points - Construct a profile line, between two user-defined points.

Profile Line To Element - Construct a profile line, at a delta slope, from a designated location to a reference element.

Profile Line From Element - Construct a profile line, at a delta slope, from a reference element to a designated location.

Profile Line Between Elements - Construct a profile line between two previously placed profile curves.


Profile Curve Between Points - Construct a vertical curve between designated points.

Profile Curve To Element - Construct a vertical curve from a designated point to an element.

Profile Curve From Element - Construct a vertical curve between an existing element and a point you will designate.

Profile Curve Between Elements - Construct a vertical curve between two designated elements.

Element Profiles

Quick Profile Transition - Define the profile of an element by matching the slope and elevation of adjoining elements. Depending on the configuration of adjacent elements, either a single crest/sag curve is created or a reverse transition.

Profile by Constant Elevation - Define a flat profile at a given elevation for the entire element.

Define Profile By Slope From Point - Define a profile of an element by computing a slope from a 3D point.

Profile by Slope From Element - Defines an element's profile by projecting a fixed slope from another element with a design profile.

Profile By Variable Slope From Element - Defines an elements profile by projecting a variable slope from another element with a design profile. This command differs from the Profile by Slope command only in the fact that you have additional options. Specifically, you can define a range instead of the entire element, and there are multiple methods of slope rather than fixed slope alone.

Profile By Vertical Offset From Element - Define the profile of an element based on a vertical offset. The results are similar to Profile by Variable Slope command, except that, instead of transitioning two slopes, two vertical offsets are used.

Profile By 3D Element - Produce a profile (in profile space) from a 3D element in the drawing.


Profile Insert Curve - Insert a vertical curve into a profile element.

Append Profile Element - Append additional elements to a previously established complex element.

Complex Geometry

Profile Complex by Elements - Construct a complex profile element from previously placed elements.

Profile Complex by VPI - Construct a profile complex defined by vertical points of intersection (VPI).

Define Profiles By Best Fit - Construct a profile complex defined by best fitting through a selected profile.

Profile Reverse Transition - Construct reverse curves between previously drawn elements with an optional tangent length between the two curves.

Profile Offset Transition - Construct profile elements at an offset from a base element. The base element may be a line, arc, spiral, or complex.