OpenSite Designer Help


Tables group in the site section is used to place parcel, line, and curve tables which provide information about parcels/parceling areas in the dgn.

You can access this tool from the following.

Ribbon: OpenRoads Modeling Workflow > Site > Tables group

Tables Group

Tip: You can export the data from Tables to an Excel Sheet on your local machine.

Parcel Table

The parcel table tool allows you to place a parcel size table with the parameters like set the Seed, Text Style, Active Angle, and File Name.

Parcel Table dialog

The sample of Parcel table is as given below.

Line Table

Parcel Table

The Line table tool allows you to place a line table with a few line parameters.

Curve Table

Line Table dialog

The sample of Line table is as given below.

Line Table

The Curve table tool allows you to place a curve table with curve parameters like length, radius, delta, tangent, CH bearing, and CH distance.

Curve Table dialog

The sample of Curve table is as given below.

Curve Table