OpenSite Designer Help

Insert Fillet

Used to insert a curve into a previously created element.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Geometry > Horizontal > Modify split button

Use the Horizontal Insert Fillet tool to insert a curve into a previously created element.

  1. Open the Civil Tools task pane to the Horizontal Geometry section then click the Horizontal Insert Fillet icon.

  2. When you move the cursor into the View, it is equipped with a command prompt requesting that you "Locate Tangent to Insert Curve", so move the cursor to the element that you wish to convert to a curve then data point, example, left-click on it.

  3. The prompts says "Locate Vertex", so move the cursor to the peak or trough of the curve then left-click.

  4. The prompt says, "Enter Through Point", so use one of the following methods to designate a point through which the curve must pass (navigate the options by striking the left or right arrow keys):

  • As you move the cursor, a value is displayed on the prompt. Left-click at the desired value.

    • Enter a value for Radius and strike the Enter key then data point.

    • Enter a value for Back Transition Length and strike the Enter key then data point.

    • Enter a value for Ahead Transition Length and strike the Enter key then data point.


Manipulators are available for:

  • Move

  • Length

  • Slope

  • Radius of Arc


To View the new element's properties, equip the Element Selection tool.

Left-click on a horizontal insert fillet in the View then let the cursor hover over the selected element. Click the Properties icon to access rule data for the chosen element.