OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition SDK Help

Global add/edit prefix or suffix for existing points in template

The below code gets the default template library and active template. Collects all the point elements and add prefix to point having name "BAR_UG2" .User can add or edit the name as required.

//Required References
using System.Xml;

 public void AddPrefixOrSuffixToPointName()

            //Prefix to add to point name 
            string prefix = "PREFIX_";

            //Get default template library
            string strTemplateLibraryPath = Bentley.CifNET.GeometryModel.SDK.TemplateLibrary.GetDefaultTemplateLibraryPath();

            //Load the Template library as XMLDocument
            System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();

            //Get all "Point" node from template library
            XmlNodeList pointsList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Point");

            //Read each point to add prefix or suffix, here for demo purpose first point is used
            foreach (XmlNode pointNode in pointsList)
                XmlElement pointEle = pointNode as XmlElement;
                if (pointEle != null)
                    //Get point name
                    string pointNameAttribute = pointEle.GetAttribute("name");

                    //Sample point BAR_UG2 is used here to add prefix
                    if (pointNameAttribute == "BAR_UG2")
                        pointEle.SetAttribute("name", prefix + pointNameAttribute);

            //Save the template library document

