OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition SDK Help

CivilDTM Class


Namespace: Bentley.CifNET.TerrainModel Assembly: Bentley.CifNET.TerrainModel.4.0 (in Bentley.CifNET.TerrainModel.4.0.dll) Version: (


public static class CivilDTM
Inheritance → CivilDTM


AppendWithUserTagWithIDCallback Appends the features from DTM into this DTM, inserting them with the specified userTag and calling back to the user of featureId changes.
AssignFeatureIdForFeatures Assigns Feature Id For Features
BuildDTMFromTriangles Builds a DTM from triangles, the triangles are stored in the dtm as 4 point graphicbreaks.
ConvertPointsToPointFeatures Convert Random Points to point Fetures, the the specified userTag. Needs to be a triangulated DTM.
CreateLayerPolyfaces Create meshes from a DTYM entity and a collection of layer depths
GetTransformation Temporay to fix a dtm defect.
GetTransformedDTM Temporay to fix a dtm defect.
ResolveVoidsAndIslands Resolves void and islands into correct geometry.
SetUserTagForAllFeatures Sets the UserTag for all the features.
SetUserTagForSelectedFeatures Sets the UserTag for selected the features.
VoidIslandClip Clips a dtm by inserting voids and islands

See Also