OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition


Ribbon: Geometry




Line Between Points - Creates a line between two user defined points.

Constructs a line at a skew to a reference element

Simple Line to Element - Creates a line with a spiral transition to another element at zero degrees skew angle, applicable only when the To element is a curve, Offset locked at zero.

Curve Line to Element - Creates a line with an arc transition to another element at zero degrees skew angle, applicable only when the To element is a curve, Offset locked at zero.

By Angle to Element - Creates a line without any transition at user defined skew angle, Offset locked at zero.

Line to Element - Constructs a line at a skew to a reference element.

Line Between Arcs - Constructs a line between two previously placed arcs.

Simple Line From Element - Creates a line without any transition from another element at zero degrees skew angle, Applicable only when the From element is a curve, Offset locked at zero.

Creates a line with a spiral transition from another element at zero degrees skew angle, applicable only when the From element is a curve, Offset locked at zero.

Curve Line From Element - Creates a line with an arc transition from another element at zero degrees skew angle, applicable only when the From element is a curve, Offset locked at zero.

By Angle From Element - Creates a line without any transition from another element at a skew angle you define, Offset locked at zero.

Line From Element - Constructs a line at a skew from a base element.

Chamfer Between Points - Planes a corner, example, it alters an existing intersection by inserting a line between the elements.


Circle - Draws a circle.

Arc Between Points - Creates an arc between points.

Simple Arc to Element - Creates a simple radius arc without any transition to another element, Offset locked at zero.

2 Center Arc to Element - Creates an arc with an arc transition to another element, Offset locked at zero.

Spiral Arc to Element - Creates an arc with a spiral transition to another element, Offset locked at zero.

Reverse Spiral Arc to Element - Creates an arc with a reverse spiral transition to another element, applicable only when the To element is a curve of opposite hand, Offset locked at zero.

Arc to Element - Constructs an arc based on a selected base element which controls tangency at one end.

Arc Between Arcs - Constructs an arc between two previously placed arcs. This tool has the ability to optionally apply both a back and/or forward transition between the base arcs and the constructed arc.

Simple Arc from Element - Constructs an arc based on a selected base element which controls tangency at one end.

2 Center Arc From Element - Creates an arc with an arc transition from another element, Offset locked at zero.

Spiral Arc From Element - Creates an arc with a spiral transition from another element, Offset locked at zero.

Reverse Spiral Arc From Element - Creates an arc with a reverse spiral transition to another element, applicable only when the From element is a curve of opposite hand, Offset locked at zero.

Arc From Element - Constructs an arc based on a selected base element that controls tangency at one end.

Simple Arc - Creates a radius arc without spirals or tapers at both ends, Offsets locked at zero.

Spiral Arc Spiral - Creates a radius arc with spiral transitions but no tapers at both ends, Offsets locked at zero.

Taper Arc Taper - Creates a radius arc with tapers but no transitions at both ends, Offsets locked at zero.

3 Center Arc - Creates a radius arc with radius transitions at both ends, result is a three centered curve, Offsets locked at zero.

2 Center Arc - Creates a radius arc with radius transitions at one end, result is a two centered curve, Offsets locked at zero.

Arc Between Elements - Constructs an arc between two previously placed elements.


Point - Constructs a civil point element.

Equal Space Points - Inserts a specified number of points, points at a defined interval, or a combination of both into the View.

Locate a point from other points based on various methodologies.

Modifies the elevation and/or rotation of an existing point using various methods.

Offsets and Tapers

Single Offset Entire Element - Offsets the selected element by a constant value along the entire length

Single Offset Partial - Offsets the selected element by a constant value along a user selected station range

Variable Offset Taper - Offsets the selected element by a variable amount along a user selected station range

Ratio Offset Taper - Offsets the selected element by a ratio along a user selected station range

Reverse Curves

Reverse Curve by Angle - Constructs reverse curves between previously drawn elements.

Reverse Curve by Radii Ratio - Creates a reverse curve where the second curve radius is a ratio of the first curve radius. Offsets locked at zero.

Reverse Curve by Tangent - Creates a reverse curve where the two radii are equal and you may specify a tangent length between the curves, Offsets locked at zero.

Line at Angle - Creates a simple linear element at a deflection angle measured from the first picked element, Offsets locked at zero.

Reverse Transition - Constructs reverse curves between previously drawn elements with an optional tangent length between the two curves.


Spiral From Element - Constructs a spiral from a previously placed element, using this base element to determine tangency at one end.

Spiral Between Elements - Constructs a spiral (or spirals) between two base elements that determine tangency.


Start Station - Assigns stationing to an element.

Add Station - Defines a station equation at a designated location on an element.

Add Internal Station Equation - Adds station equations at the end of each curve set of an offset alignment in order to match the station of a primary alignment.

Add Single Internal Sation Equation - Add a single station equation at the end of an identified curve set of an offset alignment in order to match the station of a primary alignment.

Copy Element - The Copy Element tool creates a new instance of visible geometry only.

Transpose Element - Reverses the direction of the identified element.

Insert Fillet - Inserts a curve into a previously created element.

Append Element - Constructs a complex element by appending additional elements in a previously established complex element.

Complex Geometry

Complex by Element - Constructs a complex element of previously placed elements by joining them in sequence.

Complex by PI - Creates a linear element with curves based on user input of PI (point of intersection) locations. The curves can include transitions or set the radius to zero for no curves at the PI.

Complex by Redefine - Replicates an element at a specified distance from the original.

Define by Best Fit - Constructs an element that best fits a course defined by a selected linear object.

Geometry Builder - Allows the input and editing of geometry in a table format.

Geometry Connector -