OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition


The Analysis group is used to...

Ribbon: Terrain




Analyze Between Points - Reports information between 2 point locations on a terrain model (elevation difference, length and slope).

Analyze Point - Reports information about a user-specified point location in a terrain model (elevation, slope, contour, slope direction).

Analyze Elevation - Creates a Terrain Check Report that compares elements to a terrain.

Inverse Points - Reports information about a user-specified point location in a terrain model (elevation, slope, contour, slope direction). Several types are supported: linear, arc, radial, perpendicular and by element. The tool is supported in both 2D and 3D views / models. The results are displayed at the cursor prompt, and optionally, the Civil Report Browser

Calculate Area

Calculates the area of a Terrain.


Create Cut Fill Volumes - Calculates cut and fill volumes between two surfaces, usually an existing a terrain and a surface (terrain or mesh) and creates a 3D mesh solid with volume attributes.

Analyze Volume - Calculates volume between 2 terrain models or a terrain model and plane (elevation). Capable of processing in an area (fence) or multiple areas and computing the volumes over a range of elevations. Cut and fill factors are also options.


Analyze Pond - Analyzes terrain model for ponds (low point) located via a data point location on a terrain model (volume, area max depth).

Analyze Trace Slope - Traces along a surface either following a user-specified slope value or the steepest slope. Can trace upstream or downstream.


Report Crossing Features - Locates intersecting line features, such as break lines or contours.

Report Conflicting Points - Reports source data used to create the terrain model with duplicate points (as defined by an X, Y location with the same or differing elevations).


Add Flow Line

Analysis of terrain surface for potential aquaplaning conditions.

Add Flow Line

Sight Visibility

Sight Visibility Results

Analysis of sight distances along an alignment or a corridor's control alignment based on specified design terrain or a corridor's top mesh and an optional existing surface or mesh.

Sight Visibility Results