OpenRail Designer Help

Single Element Nudge

The Single Element Nudge tool allows the user to move or nudge a single element in a complex geometry. Can be used both on Horizontal and Vertical geometry elements.

You can access this dialog from the following:

  • Ribbon: OpenRail Modeling > Rail > Regression > Geometry Tools.


Civil Rules - Moves the element by maintaining existing geometry rules. This method is limited to available movement constrains for applied civil rules.

Connectivity - This method overrides any existing civil rules on the element and apply movement regardless of existing constrains. It recalculates connection to any related elements, (i.e. elements that are before/after the selected element) , and updates them where necessary to maintain connectivity.

Note: Nudge Tool overrides Point weight and Point Fixity.
Note: Maintain Connectivity option only applies to Horizontal elements.



Note: If you override the radius displayed, Fix Start/End holds the points and adjusts the radius. If Fix Start/End is toggled off, it holds the center of the curve point.

Restore Regression

Selecting the Activate Rule button recomputes the regression solution of the element. This is visualized by the slew in the view window.