OpenRail Designer Help

Export to File

Used to identify requirements for export of Civil TM's to external files.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Terrain > Miscellaneous

With data collection methods underlying Terrain Models (TM) increasing in detail and size the resulting TMs need to be stored and exported in an efficient manner making data transfer possible across a variety of Infrastructure and Mapping workflows. As part of these workflows a common requirement is to store data external from the primary storage for backup or transfer data to other applications (even to older versions of the Bentley Civil applications). Use this command to identify requirements for export of Civil TM's to external files.

The TM can be exported to :


  • MX (FIL)

  • LandXML version 1.2

  • InRoads DTM

  • MX Genio

Note: Additional prompts are required when exporting to MX or LandXML formats.


  1. Start the command.

  2. Select terrain.

  3. Select output type.

  4. Complete additional prompts for MX or LandXML formats.

  5. In the File Manager, enter the name of the exported file to be created.

  6. Click Save.

Sample Batch Files to Export Terrain to LandXML via Key-ins

This enhancement allows users to run a batch file that creates a selection set of their terrains and then exports the contents of that selection set to LandXML.

  • The Selection Set can be created via standard MicroStation commands or through the use of OpenRoads Graphical Filters (see sample below).
  • If multiple terrains are found in a single DGN, each terrain will be exported to its own individual XML file with the naming convention <DGN FileName>_<Terrain_Name>.xml.
  • This batch file can be run in conjunction with the Batch Process tool to apply the commands across multiple DGN files.

Selection Set Creation

MicroStation Commands can be used (e.g. Powerselector All)- POWERSELECTOR ALL.

Note: References will be picked up by whether you use MS Commands or Graphical filters. You can turn them off (if desired) with the following command.
  • ORD Graphical Filters
  • Mandatory Parameters Filter=<FilterName>
  • Geometry Select Byfilter Filter=SecondaryAlignments

Export to LandXML

Mandatory Parameters BatchProcessExport TERRAINMODEL EXPORT FILE BatchProcessExport

Optional Parameters

ProjName=<projectName>/ProjDescription=<projectDescription>/Option=<Both, Triangles, Features>

Defaults ProjectName=<>/ProjectDescription=<>/Option=<Both>
TERRAINMODEL EXPORT FILE BatchProcessExport ProjName=TestProjName/ProjDescription=TestProjDescription/Option=Both
File Creation
  • An XML file will be created for each DGN file.
  • All selected terrains will be exported to the respective file for that DGN file.
  • The file will be named <DGN Name>.xml