OpenRail Designer Help


Note: Select a link to "jump" to the desired Utilities tab group.

Utilities tab


Utilities group




  • Insert Object - Opens the Insert Object dialog, which is used to link or embed an object in the active DGN file from an application that is not currently open.
  • Update Links - Updates embedded or linked objects in a DGN file.
  • Edit Links - Used to update, break, or change the source of a linked object.
  • DDE Links - Lists the DDE string for each DDE link and lets you maintain links.

Named Expressions

Used to manage named expressions.

MDL Applications

Used to load, unload, and monitor the sizes and memory use of MicroStation Development Libraries (MDL) applications.

Close Tool Boxes

Used to close the toolboxes.

Connect to Browser

Used to connect OpenSite Designer to or disconnect it from your default Web browser.


Image group




Used to display a bitmapped (raster) image in a window.


Used to make batch conversions of raster image files.


Used to take "screen shots" - to capture an image of the screen or a portion of the screen in a variety of graphical formats.

Save Panorama

Used to save an image as a panorama.

Save Multiple

Used to build an image script file that defines the names of the design files, views, output files, rendering options, and image formats of the image files being saved.

Save Image

Used to save the contents of a rendered or wireframe view to a file.


Macros group




Used to run the selected macro.


Used to record actions such as selecting tools, placing elements, opening and closing dialogs, and so on.


Used to stop recording a macro.


Displays a list of macros available in the currently loaded BMR and VBA projects.

Edit Macro

Opens the Editor in which you can edit the selected macro.

VBA Manager

Serves as OpenSite Designer 's integrated development environment (IDE) for VBA, allowing you to manage VBA projects. VBA macros are not embedded in DGN files, they are stored separately in .mvba files.

Open Macros

Used to display a list of macros available in the currently loaded projects.

Design History

Design History group




Commits changes to the design history. Increases the design history's revision number by one.


Used to initialize design history for a DGN file.

Set Revision Number

Used to set the revision number to be used for the next commit.


Used to assign symbolic names to revisions in the design history.

Audit Trail

Used to display a record of history management actions, such as creation, combine, retire, or change in revision number.


Used to undo all changes to a collection of elements since a specific revision, thus restoring their state as of that revision.


(Available when combine=1 is set in the MS_DESIGN_HISTORY configuration variable)

Used to delete a range of revisions, replacing them with a single, net revision.


(Available when delete=1 is set in the MS_DESIGN_HISTORY configuration variable)

Used to remove design history from a design file.

Design History
Used to track and view the incremental changes made to all models in a file, as well as changes to attached references.


Security group




Used to create, delete and revalidate digital signatures.

Signature Cell

Used to create a digital signature with model scope. A signature with model scope ("model signature") captures the state of the model when the signature is placed.


Geographic group



Coordinate System

Opens the Geographic Coordinate System dialog, which is used to select a geographic coordinate system (GCS) from a library of predefined geographic coordinate systems.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Opens the Global Positioning System dialog, which is used to interface with Global Positioning System (GPS) devices.

Export Google Earth (KML) File

Used to capture the terrain and imagery of the current Google Earth view.

Capture Google Earth Image

Used to capture the terrain and imagery of the current Google Earth view.

Define Placemark Monument

Used to associate a geographical location to a Monument point in a model.

Synchronize Google Earth View

Used to have Google Earth navigate to the current view. If Google Earth is not open when the tool is used, it will be opened automatically.

Follow Google Earth View

Used to match the active view to the current Google Earth view location.

Google Earth Settings

Used to control the settings and operation of the Google Earth tools.

Play Camera Animation in Google Earth

Used to play a camera animation in Google Earth.

Open Location in Google Maps

Used to open Google Maps with the selected location in the center of the map.

Drawing Scale

Drawing Scale group



Master Unit

Allows you to set the Master Units component of working units.

Sub Unit

Allows you to set the Sub Units component of working units.

Annotation Scale Lock
Allows you to turn on a lock to the scale factors on the annotation scale.
Note: To Know more details about "Annotation Scale Lock"click Here.
Annotation Scale Allows you to set the scale factor for text and dimensioning.
Note: To Know more details about "Annotation Scale Lock"click Here.

ACS Plane Lock
Allows you to forces each data point to lie on the XY-plane of the active auxiliary coordinate system, setting all Z-coordinates to zero. This concept applies only to 3D files.
Note: To Know more details about"ACS Plane Lock"click Here.

Auxiliary Coordinate System

Allows you to define new x- and y- axes in your design plane and save them as an auxiliary coordinate system (ACS).

Auxiliary Coordinate System Scale

Allows you to set the Auxiliary Coordinate System scale factor. When active, elements are placed with the scale factor applied.