OpenRail Designer Help

Drawing Annotation Groups - Plan, Profile, and Cross Section

Drawing Annotation group includes three types off annotation as given below.

  1. Plan
  2. Profile
  3. Cross Section

Plan Annotation

There are three types of annotations added under the Plan.

  • Plan Drawing Annotation - Cells, Texts, or Lines are placed on plan drawings like North Arrow.
  • Plan Match-line Annotation - This is used to annotate Match-line across the drawings or sheets. Generally, the start and stop match line of each drawing is annotated with a line and the respective stations.

    Plan Match-Line Annotation

  • Plan Grid Annotation - The properties here are defined for the grid lines in the plan drawing. The location, rotation, styles, and templates for text and lines both can be set.

Plan Grid Annotation

Profile Annotation

There are different types of annotations in the profile.

  • Frame Annotation
  • Grid Annotation
  • Component Annotation
  • Profile Match-line Annotation

Frame Annotation

Frame annotations are used mainly to show annotations in a table below the profile. It can be Profile elevations, curvatures, superelevation, cant, drainage element details, or profile properties along the alignment.

Frame Annotation

We can add various rows and define the label properties, locations, and frame sizes.

Frame annotation titles can be displayed on the right side as well when the plan and profile drawings are in a right-to-left orientation.

New options are added to the Display Properties tab to define the location of the title. It can display titles on the Left, Right, or on both sides.

Display Properties

Once the Right or Left and Right option is selected, the text style, horizontal location open, and ratio value can be defined for both sides separately for each Row title.

Row - Title Properties

Grid Annotation

Grid Line styles and texts can be defined under this annotation group.

Grid Annotation-Frame

The profile grid sets the following:

  • Border
  • Major grid properties
  • Minor grid properties
  • Major grid line properties
  • Minor grid line properties
  • Horizontal axis title
  • Vertical axis title
  • Horizontal tick labels
  • Vertical tick labels

Managing Grid Property

Component Annotation

Component annotation is used to label vertical components i.e., line, arc, and parabola locations.

Component Annotation

Profile Match-line Annotation

This is used to annotate Matchline across the drawings or sheets. Generally, the start and stop match line of each drawing is annotated with a line and the respective stations.

Cross Section

Cross section annotation includes following types of annotation.

  • Grid Annotation
  • Linear Annotation
  • Point Annotation
  • Frame Annotation

Grid Annotation

Grid Line styles and texts can be defined under this annotation group.

The XS grid sets the following:

  • Border
  • Major grid properties
  • Minor grid properties
  • Major grid line properties
  • Minor grid line properties
  • Horizontal axis title
  • Vertical axis title
  • Horizontal tick labels
  • Vertical tick labels

Managing Border Property

Linear Annotation

Linear annotation is used to annotate any linear element (like geometry centerline or edge of pavement or shoulder) properties across cross sections.

Linear Annotation

Point Annotation

Point annotation is used to annotate feature points and their properties across cross-sections.

Point Annotation

Frame Annotation

Frame annotations are used mainly to show annotations in a table below the cross-section. They are generally elevations, slopes, and offsets along both sides of the centerline.

Bottom Frame Annotation

Top Frame Annotation