OpenRail Designer Help

Edit Signal Model

You can access this dialog from the following:

Ribbon: OpenRail Modeling > Miscellaneous > Edit Signal Model

This option allows the creation of a new DGN containing furniture, or the editing of the definition of an existing piece of furniture.

Initially, the user will be asked to identify the DGN to contain the furniture, with a standard file open dialog:

Select an existing item or enter the name of the new item.
Note: You can copy and edit an existing dgn file from C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenRail Designer CE\Configuration\Organization-Civil\_Civil Default Standards - Metric\Signal Sighting to use as the seed file, but it is not necessary for the completion of this step. For a detailed breakdown of the naming convetion used, please see p. 25 of this document.

Once the DGN has been selected, the following dialog is displayed

The user must specify the Model type. This is just a name for the group which the furniture is a part of. It could be any piece of text e.g. "Signals", "Mileposts", "Trees", "Northbound Mainline Signals". It is used later on to distinguish between different groups of furniture.

The user must also define the location of a cell library containing the cells which can be used for building signals. This cell library can be extended by the users to add more signal components if required. The convention in place for cells in this cell library is that the origin of all components is relative to the centre of the red aspect of a signal.

Signal Sighting then opens the DGN representing the piece of furniture for editing, and attaches the requested cell library. Editors can use any items from the cell library in conjunction with any other design capabilities within OpenRail Designer to produce the required furniture.

Once the design has been completed, pressing the "Return" button switches back to the previous DGN.