OpenRail Designer Help

Create WorkSet Dialog

Used to create a new WorkSet.
You can open this dialog from the following:
  • Work page: Click WorkSet and from the drop-down, select Create WorkSet.
Name Enter the name of the WorkSet.
Description Enter description for the WorkSet.
Template Select the WorkSet that you want to use as a template for the new WorkSet.
Create Folders Only (Available only when a WorkSet is selected from the Template drop-down list) If on, only the folder structure is cloned. If off, the folder structure as well as files are cloned.
Add a Custom Property Allows you to add following types of custom properties:
  • Text Property - Creates an empty text property. Click Property Label to rename the property. Enter the value of the property in the text field.
  • Date Property - Creates an empty date property. Click Property Label to rename the property. Click the icon on the right-side of the text field to display the date and time calendar. Select appropriate date and time.
Root Folder Sets the path for the root WorkSet folder. Defines the _USTN_WORKSETROOT configuration variable. Clicking the Browse button next to the setting opens the Browse For Folder dialog from which you can select the root folder.
Design files Sets the path for storing the design files. Defines the MS_DEF configuration variable. Clicking the Browse button next to the setting opens the Browse For Folder dialog from which you can select the folder where you want to save your design files.
Standard files Sets the path where dgnlib, cell, and other standard files of the WorkSet will be stored. Defines the _USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS configuration variable. Clicking the Browse button next to the setting opens the Browse For Folder dialog from which you can select the folder where you want to save your standard files.
Standards Subfolders Enter the subfolder names that you want to create in the Standards folder. This is the location defined by the Standards folder above. Multiple folder names should be separated by a comma or semicolon. Uses the _USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDSUBDIRS configuration variable.
ProjectWise Projects Allows you to assign or unassign a ProjectWise Project to or from a WorkSet. Clicking the Browse button opens the Assign Project to WorkSet dialog from which you can select the desired project. To unassign a project from the WorkSet, click the Unassign project from WorkSet (red cross) icon.