OpenPlant Support Engineering Help

Publishing a DgnDb or BIM iModel

The Bentley DgnDb iModel Importer converts DGN V8-format packaged i-models (.i.dgn) into the compressed DgnDb-format or BIM-format (.imodel) iModels. The .imodel is compact and optimized for mobile apps, that may contain business data and embedded documents. By default, iModels (.imodel) are created next to the Package i-model location. OpenPlant Support Engineering includes Bentley DgnDb iModel Importers to publish .imodel files of 1.6.x and 2.x versions. Bentley Navigator CONNECT Edition versions up to Update 3 support i-model version 1.6. Whereas, Bentley Navigator CONNECT Edition 10.2 and later supports both 1.6 and 2.0 versions. The following table lists the support of different i-model versions:
i-model version Supported Extensions Publishing Application
1.0 .i.dgn
1.5 .imodel .imodel file produced by OpenPlant Support Engineering , MobilePublisher, and others.
1.6 .imodel .imodel file produced by OpenPlant Support Engineering , MobilePublisher, and others.
2.0 .imodel .imodel file produced by OpenPlant Support Engineering and others.
Note: The DgnDb iModel (.imodel) does not support lights.