OpenPlant Project Administrator Help

Preview Spec

Click to display the follow preview window displaying the component records in the spec.

The Preview drop down lists all of the classes that are included in the spec. Select one and the records for that class are displayed. Use the directional arrows at the bottom of the window to quickly scroll through the different classes in the Preview list .

Filter Preview

If you right-click on a column header, a popup menu displays with the following options:
  • Sort Ascending
  • Sort Descending
  • Clear Sorting
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Group by this column
  • Column Chooser
  • Hide Column
  • Pinned state
  • Best Fit
Sort Ascending Sorts the record display in an Ascending (lowest to highest) order using the column's values.
Sort Descending Sorts the record display in an Descending (highest to lowest) order using the column's values.
Clear Sorting Clears the active sorting setting and returns to the default display.
Conditional Formatting Displays the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager where you can define Formatting Rules to use to control the display of records.
Group by this column This option will group the results using the results from the selected column like shown below:
Note: You can get the same results by dragging the column header into the area above the header row.

Expand the groups to view the available records. For example, the EC_CLASS_NAME:PIPE will displays all of the available Pipe options in the spec.

To return to default display click the X next to the column name.

Column Chooser Displays the Column Chooser dialog where you can add/remove columns from the grid using the drag and drop method.
Hide Column Hides the selected column. The column can be added back to the display using the Column Chooser dialog.
Pinned State Displays options determining the position of the column:
  • Unpinned: Does not force a column position.
  • Pin at Left: Pins the column to the left side of the grid.
  • Pin at Right: Pins the column to the right side of the grid.
Best Fit This option adjusts the column width to the width of the longest value in the column.

See Also:

Preview Section

Preview Row