OpenPlant Project Administrator Help

Fields Mapping Dialog

The Fields Mapping dialog display when you are importing data into a catalog from a Excel spreadsheet. Before the data can be imported, the fields in the Excel worksheet must first be mapped to their corresponding column of the table in the catalog.
New Mappings The New Mappings option will clear the existing mappings from the window. If the mappings have not been saved, you are prompted to save them.
Add new Adds a new mapping record to be defined.
Delete Selected Mapping Deletes the selected mapping record from the list.
Load Existing Mapping Loads a previously saved file containing pre-defined mappings. Prompts you with a standard Windows file selection dialog to locate and open the file.
Export Mapping Allows you to save the mappings to a file which can be used again. Prompted with a standard Windows file save dialog in which to name and save the file.
Preview Mappings Applied Displays a preview of how the mappings will appear in the catalog table.
Group Mappings Allows you to group the mappings in the window either by Table or by Sheet . A Clear Grouping option is also available to undo any groupings that were applied.
Use EC_Schema to define mappings

Select this option before beginning the mapping process. When you initially add a new mapping, you will be prompted to define the EC_CLASS_NAME from a drop down list in the Sheet Columns field.

If this option is enabled, the list is populated with the EC Class Names available in the schema as shown. Otherwise, a list populated with the property field names is displayed.
Otherwise, a list populated with the property field names is displayed.
Import Data This button only enables if a mapping is defined and will import the mapping information to the active catalog. If the mapping has not been saved/exported to an .XML file, you will be prompted to save the mapping after the data has been imported to the catalog.
Close Closes the dialog without saving any changes.


When a new Map record is added to the Fields Mapping dialog, click in the column fields to display a drop down list of selections to choose from.

To add a New Mapping, click the Add New icon.

This will add a new record and allow you to define the mapping parameters.

Click in the Sheets field and select a sheet option from the list.

Click in the Sheet Columns and select a field from the drop down list (shown below), then select an EC field from the Table Columns list.
Continue mapping the Sheet Columns to the Table Columns as shown above.

When finished mapping a sheet, click Import Data to import the data to the catalog.

Customize Mappings

While importing user might have data in different formats and want to apply lookup or customize data while importing from excel.

Use Lookup Tables

If you right click in a mapping field, the Use As Lookup dialog lets you mark the mapping entry to map the value from defined lookup information. Below the highlighted mapping entry is applied "lkup_Imperial_Sizes" to show sizes in fractional form. (e.g. size 0.5 as 1/2).

Using Expressions

With the help of expression based customization user can format data while importing into the catalog. For example if I want to customize SHORT_DESC field to have _IM attached at the end user can edit and apply the change by clicking the green check icon as shown below.

Use Arithmetic Expressions

Arithmetic expression allows user to customize data based on preliminary arithmetic operators (+, -, ;, *, and /). These arithmetic operations are performed on Numeric type of columns to provide numeric result otherwise it acts as text expression.

For example, if you want to multiply the PIPE_OD1 by factor 5 on importing to PIPE_OD_M column then use "<<PipeOD1>>*5" expression (without quotes) to get the desired results.

Preview Mappings

Click the Preview Mappings Applied icon to review the results of the defined mappings in the Preview Mappings Applied dialog.