OpenPlant Project Administrator Help

To Upgrade V8i Project Schemas

This command lets you upgrade older project schemas to the new schema set. The following procedure provides details on how to upgrade the schema.

Local schemas are upgraded schemas are created and stored in the Upgraded Schemas folder.

For a Managed WorkSpaces the upgraded schemas are created and stored in the Upgraded Schemas folder created in the ProjectWise datasource.

The user can revert back to the original schema by changing the paths to point to the older schema folders.

  1. Click the Schema Upgrade icon.
  2. In the dialog below, click Analyze.
    Note: The OpenPlant Project Administrator automatically detects the schema version.
    The user changes are analyzed and the Summary page gives you a review of things that have changed from the older schema version to the new.
    Note: No changes are made to the schema at this time. This simply pre-processes the schemas to create a change set that you can review later to upgrade the schemas.
  3. Click the User Configurations tab to show your specific changes. By default all the changes are selected but you can de-select the changes that you don’t need to add in the upgraded schemas. The symbols next to the change records determine the type of change:
    • - Denotes that a property, class or relationship has been added by user.
    • - Denotes that a property, class or relationship has been modified by user.
    • - Denotes that a property, class or relationship has been deleted by user.
  4. Click the New Changes tab to process and show the new changes. This will analyze all the schemas in the old version and the latest version and give a report on what has changed.
    Note: This may take several minutes depending on the number of changes.
  5. (Optional): The Save button lets you save the changes to a Microsoft Excel compatible, comma delimited file.
  6. Click Upgrade to process, upgrade and merge all of the changes to the new set of schemas. A message dialog will report when the upgrade is successful.
    In some cases, the following message will display when there are a few changes that have been skipped for some valid reason. The reasons can be found in the schema upgrade log file.
  7. Click OK and close the upgrade dialog.
    Note: You will be prompted to restart OpenPlant Project Administrator to finalize the schema changes.
  8. Close OpenPlant Project Administrator and restart to apply the changes.