OpenPlant Project Administrator Help

Create Custom Workspace with User Settings

This procedure will detail how to create a new workspace using the an existing user configured workspace as a template.

The workspace will be created in the Configuration selected in the Navigation Tree.

  1. In the Navigation Tree, select the Configuration where the workspace will be created.
  2. Click the Configuration Ribbon and select the Custom Create icon from the Workspace tool group. This launches the OpenPlant WorkSpace Creation Wizard.
  3. Click Next to continue.
  4. Specify a name for the workspace.
    Note: The Description field is optional.
  5. The Workspace root for the selected Configuration will display by default. Click the Browse icon to change the location if desired.
    Note: The Restore Defaults button will reset the Workspace Root to the default.
  6. Click Next to continue.
  7. Select the Configuration location then the WorkSpace directory where the Workspace.cfg template file is located.
  8. Click Next to specify the WorkSets Root directory. A default directory path is provided which places the WorkSets directory in the WorkSpace root directory. This can be changed to specify a WorkSets directory that is outside of the configuration or on a network drive.
  9. Click Next to create the workspace. Once the process is completed; the workspace creation status displays as shown.
  10. Click Create to start the creation of the new workspace.

    The creation process will start and the progress will be displayed in the Creation Progress bar.

  11. Click Finish to close the workspace creation wizard. The new workspace will display in the Navigation tree as shown: