OpenPlant Orthographics Manager Help

Lists and Reports - Supports

The Support Chart page lets you to define parameters for the support chart such as Base Position, Column width, Column Height as well as information on the text which populates the chart.

Accessed by selecting the Lists and Reports > Supports node in the Settings interface.

The Support Chart is used to list support information for the drawing. When the Support Chart is used, each support in the drawing is annotated with a number, which corresponds to a record in the chart providing information (tag number, elevation) for the support.

Note: Please note the Support chart is used only when the Mode of Express field in the Annotations > Instruments and Supports options page is set to Chart.

Define the properties per the fields described below and Save the changes.

The Close icon closes the Project Settings interface, so make sure your changes are saved. You will be prompted to save them it you haven't already.

The Load Defaults icon in the main Settings interface will return the settings of the options page to their original values.

Base Position
  • Text Justification: This option determines the base point from which the Support Chart is placed in the drawing. Select from Upper Left, Lower Left, Upper Right or Lower Right.
  • Position: You can opt to enter an exact position directly in the Position X and Position Y fields or click the icon to the right of the fields to pick the position in the drawing.
Supports Data
In this section define the properties for the support data text and the support chart.
  • Color: Click the icon and select a color from Color Table for the label text.
  • Text Type: Select a text type for the label from the drop down list. You can click the "..." option at the bottom of the list to display the Microstation Text Styles dialog allowing you to modify the text styles if desired.
  • Text Height: Enter a text height dimension into the field provided.
  • Row Count: Enter a maximum number of rows for the chart.
  • Row Height: Enter a height for the chart rows.
  • Chart color: Click the icon and select a color from the Color table to define the color of the chart grid lines.
Label and Column Width Use these fields to define the width of the columns in the Support Chart.