OpenPlant Modeler Help

OpenPlant Run Stress Interface

Creates a PXF file containing the information on a single, or multiple pipelines in the model which can be run through the Bentley AutoPIPE application. AutoPIPE is a stand-alone computer aided engineering program for calculation of piping stresses, flange analysis, pipe support design, and equipment nozzle loading analysis under static and dynamic loading conditions.

Accessed when user selects the Stress Analysis function in the Pipeline Manager.

Pipelines The Pipelines section displays the list of selected pipeline(s) which the Stress Analysis procedure will be applied to. The Stress Analysis can be applied to a single pipeline, or multiple pipelines if desired.
Create separate pxf file for each line Check this to create an individual report file for each pipeline listed.
Report File Lists the path to the output directory for the PXF report file. A default path is pre-configured but can be changed by clicking the Browse button and navigating to the desired location.
Operating Properties The properties in this section reflect properties defined for the pipeline.

Temperature/Pressure: The default value is derived from the settings in the model or you can select a new value from the drop down list.

Coefficient Fields: The values for the Pressure/Temperature coefficients are taken from the settings defined in the Operating Conditions section of the Create Pipeline dialog for the selected pipelines. If a value was not defined when the pipeline was created, the field will be blank and you can assign a value for it:
  • Coefficient #1 - Minimum Operating Temperature/Lower Limit Operating Pressure.
  • Coefficient #2 - Normal Operating Temperature/Pressure
  • Coefficient #3 - Upper Limit Operating Temperature/Pressure
Piping Code Select the piping code that corresponds with the pipeline.
Extract PXF Click to create the PXF file to be run in AutoPIPE. It also creates a Linelists.txt file in the same output directory (required by AutoPIPE import.)
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving the changes.