OpenPlant Modeler Help

Place Component from Cell

Allows the user to place a custom component, or group of components from a custom cell library.

Accessed using either of the following options:

The following dialog displays.
This option allows the user to place a custom component, or group of components from a custom cell library which will include all of the components' EC data and relationships. For example, the user can save a group of equipment components (such as a vessel along with its nozzles) as a cell, then use this option to place the equipment in the drawing with all the data and the relationships intact. The main advantage being the ability to create custom cell libraries with pre-defined component groups which can be placed like a single component. This concept can also be extended to include piping or HVAC components as well.

Although the user can place a set of components with a single procedure (similar to an assembly), once the cell is placed, its components are dropped and can be individually selected and modified.

Any piping components in the cell, end up in the active pipeline. If no active pipeline is defined and the placed cell contains piping components, then the user is presented with the Create New Pipeline dialog.
Note: For this option to function correctly, the user will need to create a cell library and place the components directly in a model in the cell library. If the user alternatively creates a cell from within the dgn, the command won't be able to use such a cell correctly.
Cell Library Click the Browse button to navigate to the cell library where the custom component cell is stored.
Name/Description Lists the name and description (if defined) of the custom component cell to be placed.
OK Click OK to use normal placement procedures to place the cell.
Cancel Cancels the placement procedure.