OpenPlant Modeler Help

To Generate a Project Wide Report

Need to use a WorkSet integrated with a PlantSight iModel.
  1. Launch OpenPlant Modeler and open a drawing which is using a PlantSight integrated WorkSet.
  2. Open the Consistency Manager.
  3. Select the desired queries from the Navigation tree.
    Note: If you plan to run a report on a specific class, such as a Equipment List Detailed report, you must be sure to select the Equipment query option to make sure results are returned in the Instances tree. Otherwise the report will show no results in it.
  4. Click the Run button in the main ribbon to run the query and display the results.

    Once there is Instance data present, the report Project button is enabled. This button is a pull down that lists all the reports that are defined to work with the results of the Consistence Manager when integrated with PlantSight. There is a set of default reports that are included with the install.

    Note: Additional reports can be added to this list via the Report Designer available from the OpenPlant Project Administrator.
  5. Select a report option from list. A report will be generated based on what is listed in the Instances tree and displayed in a standard report form.

    The report can be exported to a number of different formats (PDF, HTML, Text etc.) if desired.