OpenPlant Modeler Help

Scheduler Dialog

Used to schedule times that your system is available for contributing to processing images.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Process Controller tray icon: right-click and select Open Scheduler

Update Configuration

The Update Configuration icon opens the Configuration Settings dialog, which has controls for Shared directories, groups and user information.
Start MSProcessors

Makes your processors available, regardless of the schedule.
Stop MSProcessors

Makes your processors unavailable, regardless of the schedule.
Resume Schedule

Causes your processors to follow the schedule you have set up.
Number of MSProcessors to Use Controls the number of processors to be used for handling jobs. The maximum is equal to the number of processors in your machine. If your system behaves unfavorably when handling jobs, decrease the number of processors to use.

Because Luxology rendering is multi-threaded, one Luxology distributed rendering job will consume all available processors on your machine. Unlike other rendering modes, only one OpenPlant Modeler session is started for Luxology distributed rendering jobs so there should not be adverse performance from having all processors active.

Grid of dates/times Click and drag inside the grid in order to set times when the processors on this machine should not run. Hold <ctrl+click> in order to select disjointed sections. <ctrl+clicking> a highlighted area removes the highlighting.
Unavailable/Available Displays whether or not your processors are available.