OpenPlant Modeler Help

Publish i-model Configuration Variables

The following table lists the configuration variables that affect the publishing of i-models. Each configuration variable expects a valid value. An invalid value will not override a setting. You do not need to close and restart in order for the configuration variable change to take effect.

Variable Short Name Description
MS_PUBLISHDGN_BUSINESSDATA (not applicable) Disables the publishing of business data into the i-model. This may be useful in models where these is a large amount of business data and the i-model is intended for visualization only. Values are 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). The default setting is 1.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_CLEAROVERLAYS (not applicable) If set to 1 (default), converts DWG Overlay attachments to DGN attachments with No Nesting. If set to 0, keeps the DWG Attachments as Live Nested DGN Attachments with the Ignore When Live Nesting setting.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_DESIGNLINKS (not applicable) If set to 1, turns on the Include Linked Design Files check box by default.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_PATH (not applicable) Applies the default publishing and packaging settings contained in a settings XML file. Once set, you do not need to load the settings XML file. You can create a settings XML file using the Publish i-model dialog.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_PUBLISH_DISPLAYED_ATTACHMENTS_ONLY (not applicable) If set to 1, publishes only the displayed reference attachments. The default setting is 0.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_EMBEDFONTS (not applicable) If set to 0, disables the embedding of fonts into the i-model. This may be useful to reduce the size of i-model where i-model size may increase significantly due to embedded fonts. Values are 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). The default setting is 1.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_ENFORCE_VALIDATION (not applicable) If set to 1, enforces validation checks during publishing i-models for missing library schemas, rasters, point clouds, or references. If there are any missing items, publishing would fail and package will not be created. If set to 0 or undefined (the default), warning messages for the missing attachments will be logged in the Message Center and package will be created as a replica of the source file.
Note: The removal configuration variables MS_PUBLISHDGN_REMOVE_MISSING_LIBRARY_ECXATTRIBUTES and MS_PUBLISHDGN_REMOVE_MISSING_ATTACHMENTS take precedence over enforcing validation. For example, let's say that MS_PUBLISHDGN_ENFORCE_VALIDATION is on and MS_PUBLISHDGN_REMOVE_MISSING _ATTACHMENTS is set to remove missing rasters. During publishing, if a missing raster is encountered, the MS_PUBLISHDGN_REMOVE_MISSING _ATTACHMENTS would take precedence and end up removing the raster, so in this case validation would not fail, the package will be created and just a warning would be logged. Similarly, for missing schema, if MS_PUBLISHDGN_REMOVE_MISSING_LIBRARY_ECXATTRIBUTES is defined with enforce validation, package would be created with missing library warning messages, and missing data will be stripped off.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_EXPORT_PARASOLIDS_TO_MESHES (not applicable) If set to 1, converts parasolids to meshes. the default setting is 0.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_IGNORE_SCHEMAS (not applicable) Allows you to define a list of supplemental schemas that should not be published. The supplemental schemas should be separated by semi-colons.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_LOAD_REFS (not applicable) Optimizes reference file loading during the i-model publishing process. If set to 0, references of individual files are not loaded during publishing. If set to 1, references are loaded. Suppressing reference loading can improve performance with some files (particularly those using overlay DWG attachments or limited nest-depth attachments). Values are 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). The default setting is 0.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_MESHBSURF_MINORDER (not applicable) Defines a numeric value that specifies the minimum order for which B-spline surfaces will be converted to meshes during publishing. If specified, B-spline surfaces at or above this order will be converted to meshes to optimize visualization performance in the i-model. If not specified, the default value is 6. Most users will not need to change this value.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_SS3_COMPATIBLE (not applicable) If set to 1, the variable creates backward compatible i-models. The default setting is 0.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_REMOVE_MISSING_LIBRARY_ECXATTRIBUTES (not applicable) If set to 1, strips-off missing library ECXAttributes during publishing i-model. The default setting is 0.
MS_PUBLISHDGN_REMOVE_MISSING_ATTACHMENTS (not applicable) Removes missing point cloud, rasters, or reference attachments during the publishing or packaging of i-model. The configuration variable can have the following values:
  • 0 or undefined - Disabled (Nothing is removed)
  • 1 - Remove missing rasters
  • 2 - Remove missing point clouds
  • 3 - Remove missing rasters and point clouds
  • 4 - Remove missing references
  • 5 - Remove missing rasters and references
  • 6 - Remove missing point clouds and references
  • 7 - Remove all
_EMBEDFILE (not applicable) If the packaged i-model contains embedded references, this configuration variable will resolve the name of the current embedded reference file. Otherwise, it will have the same value as _DGNFILE.
_PACKAGEFILE (not applicable) If the packaged i-model contains embedded references, this configuration variable will resolve the name of the current packaged file. Otherwise, it will have the same value as _DGNFILE.