OpenPlant Modeler Help

Bentley Communities

You can find answers to your technical questions about Bentley software, as well as gain insight into current and emerging best practices in your industry, by actively engaging with your peers in the global infrastructure community at the Bentley Communities website. It is designed to be a comprehensive resource for everyone who designs, builds, and operates the world's infrastructure. Bentley Communities makes it easy to find information and share knowledge, providing a comprehensive source for how-to tips, technical information, example and reference data, industry news and knowledge, etc.

First, select your favorite Bentley product. On each product's home page are several applications designed to make it easy for you to find what you are looking for:

  • Forums allow members to ask and answer questions, exchange ideas, and discuss a wide range of subjects.
  • Wikis are like a living encyclopedia, where members can learn from and contribute to a body of shared reference material. Links to TechNotes, FAQs, and other information can be found on the wikis.
  • Blogs are online journals where you can find timely insight and commentary from peers and industry experts. You can also publish ideas and experiences in your own blog.
  • File galleries allow members to share datasets, libraries, photos, videos, drawings, and other documents.
  • Content is connected with tags, which are keywords that describe content, making it easier to find related information.
  • Your profile is the key to expanding your professional network, finding other members and communities with similar backgrounds and interests.

Bentley Communities members can also take advantage of the site's social and professional networking capabilities to connect with colleagues and peers who share similar interests and profession. The site has links to various Bentley communities. The continual accumulation of information in the Bentley Communities website will help anyone involved with infrastructure to work more efficiently and effectively, helping you advance in your profession. Getting started is free, easy, and fast. Join Bentley Communities today.