OpenPlant Modeler Help

Reports Dialog

Used to create and manage reports and report definitions.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Analyze > Reports
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Analyze > Reports
New category
Creates a new category of report definitions.
New report definition
Creates a new report definition.
Preview results
Opens a window in which you can preview the results of the report.
Place as table
Starts the Place Table tool using which you can place the report as a table.
Export results
Opens the Save As dialog in which you can specify the filename and type in which you want to save the report results. The following formats are supported for exporting the report results:
  • Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)
  • Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)
  • Excel Binary Workbook (*.xlsb)
  • Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)
  • Comma-delimited (*.csv)
Copy to clipboard
Copies the selected category, report definition, or column definition to clipboard.
Cuts the selected category, report definition, or column definition.
Pastes the cut or copied category, report definition, or column definition below your insertion point.
Move up
Moves the selected column or sorting rule up one position. This controls the order in which the columns appear or the sorting rules are applied in the report results.
Note: You can also use the drag-and-drop functionality to move the selected column or sorting rule.
Move down
Moves the selected column or sorting rule down one position. This controls the order in which the columns appear or the sorting rules are applied in the report results.
Note: You can also use the drag-and-drop functionality to move the selected column or sorting rule.
Save to active file
Saves a copy of the report definition created in a DGN library (specified by MS_DGNLIBLIST configuration variable) into the active file.
Update from library
Updates the local copy of the report definition to match the DGN library report definition.
Deletes the selected category, report definition, or column definition.
Properties The Properties section displays the properties of the selected report definition. Depending on the selected properties, a summary of the report definition is displayed at the bottom part of the Properties section.
Properties > Search Location Lists the following properties:
  • Location Type - Selects the type of location for searching the property. Options are Model, File, and Path.
  • Location - Selects the location for searching the property. The options for this setting depending on the selection in the Location Type drop-down list.
    • If Location Type is set to Model or File, you can select Active file or Specific file in this setting. Selecting Specific file opens the Open dialog in which you can select the desired file.
    • If Location Type is set to Path, select the configuration variables displayed in the drop-down list or type any configuration variable expression.
  • Model - Selects the desired model in which you want to search the properties.
  • Include Reference Attachments - Select Yes if you want to search through the reference attachments in the model.
  • Include Cell Contents - If set to Yes, searches for items on elements contained within cells. For example, say you are generating a report of Line Strings items and there is a model which has a cell containing a line string within itself. If you generate a report with this option set to Yes, it will search for the line string inside the cell. If you set it to No, the line string inside the cell will not be included in the search. The default is No.
Properties > Selection Type
  • All - generates report for all elements in the file or model specified in Location Type .
  • By Fence - generates report for elements only selected within active fence.
  • Current Selection - generates report for elements in active selection.
Properties > Included Items Allows you to select the desired item types and set the filtering criteria.
  • Options - gives you the below options:
    • Include All Classes - displays all item types available in the DGN in the Include These Item Types drop-down list.
    • Include Used Classes - displays only item types used in the DGN in the Include These Item Types drop-down list.
  • Item Types - Allows you to select the desired item types. Selecting the drop-down list opens a window in which you can select the item types and related items.

    If you select an item type from the Include These Item Types list, then only these item types will be included in the report results. If you select a related item from the Add these related items list, then you get the Toggle required related item button . If this button is turned on, then the item will only be included in the report results if it has the specified related item(s). If the button is off, all items will be included regardless of whether or not the related item(s) exist.

    In the Add these related items list, you can also select indirect relationships. For example, say a text element resides in a model that resides in a DGN file. In this case, the DGN file can be selected as an indirect related item of the element. In the drop-down list, the selection will be Element resides in Model > Model resides in Design File > Files.

  • Filtered By - Allows you to select filtering conditions for the items. Clicking the Browse button on the right side opens the Condition Editor dialog in which you can set the filtering criteria.
Properties > Column Definition Selecting a column displays the column definition settings.
  • Properties - Allows you to select properties for which columns will be populated. Expand the drop-down list and click Select a property to search and add a property.
  • List Separator - (Available only when you select an item type that has an array property and you select List option while creating a column) Allows you to enter a separator between the array properties.
Properties > Sorting Options Displays sorting options when you select a column from the Sorting Rules. You can sort on multiple columns, in which case the order in which you define the sorting rules controls the order in which they are applied.
  • Order - Allows you to select the sorting order as ascending or descending.
  • Sorting Value - If set to Display Value, the sorting is done on the string value displayed in the report column. If set to Internal Value, the sorting is done on the underlying values of the column.
  • Case Sensitive - If True, sorting is case sensitive.
  • Hide Repeated Values - Hides the repeated values in the report. This is useful when you want to group rows in your report based on one column, but not clutter the report by repeating the value of that column.
If there is an item type that has an array property, and if you add the item type to your report definition, you get following options when creating a column based on that property:
  • Count - The column will contain the number of entries in the array.
  • First - The column will contain the first entry in the array.
  • Last - The column will contain the last entry in the array.
  • All - Each row in the report will be subdivided such that the column contains a separate row for each entry in the array.
  • List - The column will contain a list of all the entries in the array in one row.
Utilities > Import Opens the Import Report Definition dialog from which you can select a DGN or DGNLib file and import the report definition in that file.
Utilities > Upgrade tag report Opens the Upgrade Tag Report dialog from which you can upgrade a tag report template to a report definition.
Pop-up menu for Report Definitions Right-clicking a report definition opens a pop-up menu with following choices:
  • Preview Results - Opens a window in which you can preview the results of the report.
  • Place as Table - Starts the Place Table tool using which you can place the report as a table.
  • Export Results - Opens the Save As dialog in which you can specify the filename and type in which you want to save the report results.
  • Save to active file - Saves a copy of the report definition created in a DGN library (specified by MS_DGNLIBLIST configuration variable) into the active file.
  • Update from Library - Updates the local copy of the report definition to match the DGN library report definition.
  • Cut - Cuts the selected category, report definition, or column definition.
  • Copy - Copies the selected category, report definition, or column definition to clipboard.
  • Paste - Pastes the cut or copied category, report definition, or column definition below your insertion point.
  • Rename - allows you rename the name of the report definition
  • Delete - Deletes the selected category, report definition, or column definition.
  • Open Library - Opens the DGNLib file that contains the report definition.
Pop-up menu for Columns Right-clicking the Columns option in the report definition opens a pop-up menu with following choices:
  • Add columns - Opens the Select Columns to Add dialog in which you can add one or more columns.
  • Add column - Adds a column.
  • Cut - Cuts the selected category, report definition, or column definition.
  • Copy - Copies the selected category, report definition, or column definition to clipboard.
  • Paste - Pastes the cut or copied category, report definition, or column definition below your insertion point.
Pop-up menu for Column Name Right-clicking a column name in the report definition opens a pop-up menu with following choices:
  • Sort on this column - Sorts the report by the selected column.
  • Add formatting - Allows you to add the formatting in which you want the column to be displayed. For example, if a cell has the numeric value 1.2345, you can format it to use two decimal places so it displays as 1.23 in the report. Another example is if you have a distance property in meters, you can change it to display in feet and inches. The options available depend on the data type. The formatting options are displayed in the Properties section.
  • Remove formatting - Removes the formatting for the selected column.
  • Copy formatting - Copies the formatting for the selected column.
  • Paste formatting - Pastes the copied formatting into the selected column.
  • Sort array entries - (Available only when you select an item type that has an array property and you select All or List options while creating a column) Adds sorting options to the array within the column.
  • Do not sort array entries - (Available only when you select an item type that has an array property and you select All or List options while creating a column) Removes sorting options from the array within the column.
  • Cut - Cuts the selected category, report definition, or column definition.
  • Copy - Copies the selected category, report definition, or column definition to clipboard.
  • Paste - Pastes the cut or copied category, report definition, or column definition below your insertion point.
  • Rename - Allows you to rename the selected column.
  • Delete - Deletes the selected column.
Pop-up menu for Sorting Rules Right-clicking the Sorting Rules option in the report definition opens a pop-up menu with following option:
  • Sort on - Select the column by which the report is to be sorted.