OpenPlant Modeler Help

Add Custom Component Attributes for a Class

This procedure will illustrate how to add the necessary custom attributes needed to make a component class available when creating a custom component from a set of geometrical entities in the model. The following attributes need to be added to the OpenPlant 3D Supplemental Modeling schema:
  • USE_CLASS_AS_CUSTOM_COMPONENT - Added to OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Modeling.01.08 schema.
  • Component_Ports_Information - Added to the OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Information_3DComponent.01.08 schema
Both of these custom attributes are mandatory to display the given class in the Custom Piping Component Builder Component Type drop down list.

The custom attributes are added using the Bentley Class Editor, which is included in the Bentley OpenPlant ModelServer install and available from Start menu under the Bentley program list.

  1. Launch the Class Editor (included with the OpenPlant Project Administrator install) and load the following schema:


  2. This schema is stored in the Configuration\Workspaces\WorkSpace\WorkSets\OpenPlantImperial\Standards\Schemas directory.
  3. Expand the Classes node right-click on the desired class.
  4. Select Custom Attributes > Add/Remove from the popup menu.
  5. In the ensuing dialog, select the USE_CLASS_AS_CUSTOM_COMPONENT attribute from the Available Custom Attributes list.
  6. Click the arrow button to add to the Applied Custom Attributes pane.
  7. Click OK to add the attribute.
  8. In the Use Class as Custom Components attribute, set the Enable value to True. It should appear as follows when you are finished.
  9. Next, open the OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Information_3DComponent.01.04.ecschema.xml schema and follow steps 3-8 above to add the Component_Ports_Information attribute if it is not already defined.
Once you have defined the number of ports for the component and the types of ports, save the changes to both schemas and close the Class Editor. The next time you open the Custom Piping Component Builder dialog, the new component class will display in the Component Type list.