OpenPlant Modeler Help

(Technology Preview) Parametric Components Dialog, Perforators Tab

Used to add and remove perforator properties of an element. A Perforator is a parametric solid that acts as a cutting element on a target element. The target element can be a Parametric Solid or a SmartSolid. The simplest example of a perforator is a door that when placed on a wall creates a cut in the wall to allow the door to fit inside.

You can access this from:

  • Ribbon:Drawing > Content > Parametric Components
  • Ribbon:Modeling > Conent > Parametric Components

Define Perforator

Starts the Define Perforator tool and allows you to assign perforator properties to an element(s)
Remove Perforator

Allows you to remove perforator property from an element.

Isolates a selected perforator(s) and hides the others.
Show All

Displays all the perforator elements.
Perforators list box Lists the perforators, element ID, and visibility after placement. You can turn off the display of a Perforator using the eye icon on the left of the list box. Default is On. Element ID shows the element ID of the element. Hide after placement check-box keeps the perforator element hidden after placement. You can turn off this checkbox to display the perforator element after placement.