OpenPlant Modeler Help

Document Reservation Workflows

Scenario 1: Multiple users working with same design file in offline mode

The scenarios detailed below determine how OpenPlant Modeler handles situations where multiple users need to access the same design file. These scenarios are applicable when working in a PlantSight connected workset.

In this scenario, multiple users are able to work in a common design file if they are all working offline. A user's changes to a design file can be uploaded to PlantSight the next time they are working in the connected mode.

Scenario 2: User 1 references out components while User 2 checks out components and make changes

In this case, User 1 could have a drawing open with components referenced out from PlantSight. At the same time another user (User 2) could check out the same components, make changes, then check in those changes to PlantSight.

For Example:

User 1:
  1. Creates a drawing (Drawing 1) and places pipeline with pipe and elbows in the drawing.
  2. Checks in the pipeline to PlantSight.
  3. References out the pipeline created.
User 2:
  1. Creates a drawing (Drawing 2) and checks out the pipeline created by User 1.
  2. Places a valve in the pipeline.
  3. Checks in the changes.
User 1:
  1. Opens Drawing 1 and executes the Refresh All command.
  2. All changes will appear in the drawing.

Scenario 3: User 1 has data checked out and User 2 working in offline mode

OpenPlant Modeler has added the following configuration variable which defines the behavior when trying to open a drawing which has data checked out by another user:


The configuration can be set using the Configuration Variables dialog where the following actions can be defined:
  • ENABLED (Default): This will allow the current user to open the file for editing but they will not be able to commit any changes.
  • OFFLINE: This will force the user to work in an Offline mode. No PlantSight functions will be available.
  • EXIT: The session will exit.