OpenPlant Modeler Help

Define Graphics Drawing Area

Used to define a Graphics Area within a drawing production template drawing, which is used when generating a Support Drawing. The Graphics Area displays the graphical representation of the selected support component or assembly. More than one graphical area can be defined providing multiple view if desired.

Accessed from:

Drawing Production ribbon group

The Graphics Area is considered a dynamic area where the OpenPlant Modeler program will output information from the actual model. Dynamic areas are defined using a name and a rectangular boundary. This boundary defines the limit for the drawing production procedure to fit the information. The name defines what information needs to be placed where.

Note: Support Drawing Template creation is recommended for project administrators only.

Open a Template Drawing

Before creating a BOM area, the user must first open a support drawing template drawing.

A default drawing production template named OPSE_DrawingProduction.dgn is included with the OpenPlant Modeler install. This drawing is stored in the following location:

C:\ProgramData\Bentley\CONNECT Edition\OpenPlant Support Engineering\Configuration\Workspaces\WorkSpace\WorkSets\OpenPlantImperial\Standards\Seed\Others\

Below is the snapshot of the template drawing shipped with OpenPlant Modeler with the default areas. These areas are visible if DPTemplate Layer is switched ON.

The BOM area can be drawn, resized, moved etc. in the template drawing, then saved to the original default template, or as a new template drawing.

How To

Use a Graphics Area for a Support Key Plan

You can also add a graphics area to the template to provide a space where a Support Key Plan can be created. Each graphics area can have its own name and properties so to add one for a Key Plan you would just need to rename the area in the Project Dashboard. Once the area is in place, you can use standard MicroStation functionality to create the Key Plan graphics and text information similar to shown below:

Note: When creating the Support Key Plan, you will need to know the specific location of the support against the grid lines and enter the information manually.

How To Define a Graphics Area