OpenPlant CONNECT Edition Readme

New and Changed in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 4

The following items summarize the new features and enhancements in the OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 4 release.

Feature Description
PlantSight Integration [Technology Preview] Option to generate Iso by referencing out models from PlantSight
Weld Numbering Better Weld Management and sequential weld numbering through whole sheets for a pipeline.
Option to produce System Iso or Pipeline Iso Expanded the possibilities to generate isos by any work breakdown element for example Unit, Service/system, Plant Area, Pipeline or as defined by user
  • Added formatting options for displaying Skew angles
  • Hatching crossing part of annotation
  • Better orientation of standout slope annotation
  • Ability to Generate PartID Range Based on Component
  • Improved logging while iso-generation process
  • Enhanced option to define date format

About Technology Preview Features

Some features delivered with this edition of OpenPlant Isometrics Manager are specifically identified as "Technology Preview" features.

Technology Preview features are:

  • currently unsupported
  • may not be functionally complete
  • not suitable for use/deployment in production

However, these features are provided to you as a courtesy and the primary goal is for the feature to gain wider exposure with the goal of full support in the future.

You may find these features useful in a non-production environment. You are welcome to provide feedback and functionality suggestions for a Technology Preview feature before it becomes fully supported. Bentley Systems intends to fully support Technology Preview features in a future release, at which time the features will no longer be identified as Technology Preview features.