OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Isometric Style Configuration - User Labels

The configurations in this option (shown below) define the settings for User Labels.
User Labels Listed in the left pane. Check/Uncheck a label to show/hide it in the isometric drawing. Click on any label to display its properties in the right pane
Label Properties Lists the properties for the selected label. You can change their values by entering a new value into the field. A Description for the selected property is displayed at the bottom.
The following attributes define the setup of a label:
  • Name: name for the label definition
  • Include: component types to be included for label placement. In case all component types are valid, enter CT_*. For labels only on valves, enter CT_VALVE
  • Exclude: component types not to be included for label placement. If no component types are excluded leave the field empty.
  • Text: Text to be displayed in the Label. This definition should basically hold a reference to an internal component property, e.g.: $(SPOOLID). Extra customization text can be added before or after the $(SPOOLID) when needed.
  • Type: Defines the label type. Predefined types include: NOTE, WELDID, SPOOLID, TAG, CUTID. The user can specify a new type for his own purpose. This attribute is for future use.
  • Cell Name: Name of the cell in the cell library that will be used to place spool labels. The cell should hold a so called enter data field where the spool-id text will be inserted.
  • Flags: See details insection below.
Add New Label Add new user label at the bottom of the list. Click on the label to set its properties.
Remove Label Removes the selected label from the list.
Sort Properties The Sorting buttons let you sort the properties either Alphabetically or by Category.
When finished making any changes in the fields, click Save to apply the changes.
The Undo button will undo any changes made.
Note: The Save and Undo buttons only enable when changes are made.

Flag Options for User Labels

Below are a list of flag options available when defining User Label modifications.

S Displays the user label only once for a spool.
P Displays this user label only once for a pipe cut (sequence of pipes/bends).
I Place the label text in the component cell instead of a separate label.

An option is offered to place the content of a user label inside a component cell. An example of this is shown below where an instrument tag is to be displayed within a gauge symbol.

E Apply the user labels to existing components as well.

Normally the INCLUDE/EXCLUDE rules only operate on NEW components. Those that are listed on the BOM and existing components are not included in the basic selection set used for user labels. You can however force them to be included by adding an E to the flags field.

- (Hyphen) Any hyphen in the label text will be interpreted as a line break.

This indicates the label routines to interpret hyphens in the label text portion as a text separator. The text part can then either be distributed among different fields in the label or displayed in a multi line fashion. This is specifically for tags like HV-100 that need to spread over two lines, one with HV, the other with 100.