OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Report Definition File

This file contain the definitions for all reports produced by IsoExractor. IsoExtractor reports are generic reports that operate on component attributes Reports generated are plain text files that can be attached to a text node in the drawing. A report definition is a combination of specification and a script.

At the top of the report file are a list of statements which describe how the report attributes are defined.

You can use these attribute descriptions (shown below) to modify existing reports if desired.
REPORT Specifies the extension given to the report. The basename of the report is the same as the isometric DGN, the report is written to the IE_REPORTDIR directory.
INCLUDE Same as INCLUDE but this time to specify that a component should not be in the report. Multiple EXCLUDE lines are allowed. Any EXCLUDE line satisfied excludes the component from the report.
COLUMN <width> : <format/alignment> : <expression>
Specifies a column in the report, consists of three fields separated by a colon character. (See descriptions below):
  • <width> — Specifies the width of the column in character positions
  • <format/alignment> — Consists of a combination of:
    • L – left aligned
    • R – right aligned
    • C – centered
    • W – wrap, a new line will be added if the length of the expression exceeds the width of the report.
  • <expression> — An expression for the content of the report column. Any component attribute or string can be used.
    For Example:
    IE_DESCRIPT + UUID + "and a string"
    would concatenate the attributes IE_DESCRIPT and UUID and the string "and a string".

Report Expressions Details

SEP Defines the column separator. Can be any combination of characters. An '@' is used as a space placeholder. The default SEP is the empty string.
NODE Specifies the text node number in the isometric the report will be attached to.
SORTHEADERS Specifies if sort group headers are to be used (see: rep_sortgroups.txt)
  • 1 = use sort group header,
  • 0 = don't use sort group header.
TEXT Specifies a line to be written to the report. '@' acts as a placeholder for a space.
WRITE Write this or another report. When empty the report is written according to the COLUMN, INCLUDE, etc., statements when a report extension is specified than that report is included.
GROUP A list of attributes that define which component are grouped together thus using the same line in the report (increasing the quantity). The attributes are comma separated.
SORT Sort the list on a set of attributes value. Consiste of a comma separated list of attributes with an optional descending/ascending order.
  • SORT = <attr_name:<sortspec>,<attr_name:<sortspec>
sortspec (optional) is a combination of:
  • D – Descending,
  • N – Numeric sort.
The following set of attributes are added by the software:
SPOOLID The name of the spool (if any) a component is part of.
PARTID The part ID of the component.
CUTID The pipe cut ID a component is part of (only for pipes/bends).
  • 1 - Component is determined a field component,
  • 0 - Component is determined a shop component.
IE_LINENAME The line name.
Reserved Keywords
QUANTITY The net quantity of the component, normally length for pipe/bend items, piece count for piece items. The quantity for pipes is formatted to the unit used.
SIZE1 The main component diameter. Formatted to the unit used.
SIZE2 The run size or branch size if this is different from the SIZE1.
SIZE3 The branch size if this is different from SIZE1 and SIZE2.
Below is a sample report that writes shop material to a report:
    # this to include only shop material
    COLUMN =  3: R : PARTID
    COLUMN =  7: R : SIZE1
    COLUMN =  7: R : SIZE2
    COLUMN =  2:   :
    SEP    = @  
    TEXT = @ ----------------------------------------------------------
    TEXT = @                       Shop Materials
    TEXT = @ ----------------------------------------------------------
    Write =