Bentley OpenComms Designer Help


Key Delivered Value Description
BatchGlobalRecalcWork Folder WorkDgn Folder name where DGN files holding the Coax Node graphics are created. The value can be a relative path from the .exe location or an absolute path.
BatchGlobalRecalcWork. rdl Work.rdl Name of a dgn file opened at the beginning of processing. The extension of .rdl is required.
BatchGlobalRecalcTasks Folder Tasks Folder name holding saved Task definitions. The value can be a relative path from the .exe location or an absolute path.
MicroStationWorkspace BaseFolder D:\Bentley\WorkSpace\ Full path where the Bentley Workspace folder is located. The trailing “\” is required.
MicroStationArgs Empty List of arguments to pass to MicroStation.
MicroStationEXEPath D:\Bentley\MicroStation\ustation.exe Full path to the Ustation.exe file.
FeatureListFile bgrfeaturelist.xml Path to the xml file that describes the Bentley Communication’s features to extract for the processing of the Global ReCalc. See the section “Feature List File” for the format of this file.
Culture en-US Culture definition as defined by MicroSoft.
LogFileName d:\temp\BatchGlobalRecalc.log Path to the log file created by the tool.
MinLoggingPriority 0 Min logging range. The lower the number the less information to add to the log file. Range is between 0 & 10.
MaxLoggingPriority 10 Max logging range. The higher the number the more information to add to the log file. Range is between 0 & 10.
GeneralLoggingCategory false If true, add general content to the log file.
TraceLoggingCategory false If true, add general content to the log file.
DatabaseLoggingCategory false If true, add general content to the log file.
DefaultConnectionFormat (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST={HostName})(PORT={PortName}))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID={SIDName})))

The default database connection string used when configuring OpenComms Database connections. The example contains 3 place holders that are prompted for when creating the connections.

{HostName} – This value will be prompted for when creating the connection. A default value can be added by defining a new variable named DefaultHostName in this config file.

{PortName} – This value will be prompted for when creating the connection. A default value can be added by defining a new variable named DefaultPortName in this config file.

{SIDName} – This value will be prompted for when creating the connection. A default value can be added by defining a new variable named DefaultSIDName in this config file.

DefaultHostName {Not included in the delivery. Must be added by the admin} The default value for the database connection HostName variable.
DefaultPortName 1521 The default value for the database connection PortName variable.
DefaultSIDName {Not included in the delivery. Must be added by the admin} The default value for the database connection SIDName variable.
BufferSize 20.5 A buffer to apply to the boundary generated from the Node’s graphical features.
ProjectSettingsFileName BatchGlobalRecalcProjects.xml The name of the file holding project settings such as:OpenComms Username, Seed filename, workspace project name, etc.
CommsPasswordMode 0

How the GUI for BatchGlobalReCalc obtains the username and password.

Valid values are:

0 = Prompt for password.

1 = Use fixed value of “focus” 2 = Read the stored password.

Note: This mode only affects the BatchGlobalReCalc GUI. It does not affect the loading of the OpenComms Coax product within MicroStation. This is still accomplished through the Geospatial Administrator schema file.