Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Adding User Defined Features to the Feature Lists

Any User-defined features that are used in the Comms database can also be selected for CPVExtract.

To add user-defined features to the DefineFeatureLists, and to have them available for selection in the ‘UserDefined’ Category, do the following steps:

  1. Highlight the CPVFeatureList.xml file in the CPVExtract folder as shown below. Right click and Edit:

  2. In the text document near the bottom will be these two lines:
    • </UserDefinedFeatures>
    • </UserDefinedFeatures>
  3. Insert the Custom Features (table name) between these two lines for each feature desired. For this example, we are adding 4 custom features. See screencap below to see how to add them:
    • Lot_Line
    • Lot_Numbers
    • Roads_Local
    • RoadText
    Note: Never alter any of the Comms Features in the other categories. Only the UserDefinedFeatures can be edited.

    Be sure to use ALL CAPS for the custom features and be sure that the Feature name matches the table name in the database for that feature. The bottom of the CPVFeatureList.xml now looks like this:

  4. After all custom features have been added (NO DUPLICATE FEATURENAMES ALLOWED) save and exit the file.