Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Using the GUI to Create an Extract

After saving the task file, the Define Task dialog will close and the EditTasks dialog will show the list of Exports that are available to export. (This dialog is what will display when you log in to a project from the initial Login screen.) Select the desired Export Task and click the Execute button to begin the export:

In the resulting Progress dialog, the output folder path is displayed, as well as progress bars for multiple tables that are being created during the Extract process:

When the Extract has completed, close the Progress dialog. In Windows Explorer, go to the defined output folder and verify the database files, graphic files, and any attached documents or files were created in the extraction:

Note: CPV Extract requires the Base Output folder (as defined in the CPVExtract.exe.Config file) to be empty before the taskfile is executed, unless the --CleanOutputFolder switch is supplied on the command line.