Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Copper Load Coil

  1. To Place a load coil, click on the Place Load Coil icon in the Placement section of the Copper tab to display the Select Equipment – Load Coil dialog:

  2. Select the Copper Splice Enclosure to place the Load Coil.
  3. Click two data points to determine the angle for cell placement.
  4. Left click to place the Load Coil cell.
  5. Click Device Review from the Review/Validate section of the Copper Tab to Review the Load Coil or to assign copper pairs to the Load Coil.

  6. Select an unassigned pair range and click on the up-arrow button to associate it to the load coil.
  7. Select an assigned pair range and click on the down-arrow button to disassociate it to the load coil.
  8. Click Cancel to exit.