Bentley OpenComms Designer Help


The Railroads tracks command places the railroad tracks on the map.

Place Railroad Tracks

  1. From the command manager select the <Project Name>_RAILROAD.

  2. Select the Segment Mode.
  3. Allow Offset gives you the ability to select a feature such as a road or other line feature and set the distance the railroad will be placed.
  4. Use Offset Distance determines the designated distance in footages or meters from the feature based on the chosen Seed file settings when the project was created.
  5. Enter the Name of the railroad.
  6. To begin patterning, place a datapoint on the map or select a line point to utilize the Offset.
  7. Reset to exit the place function.
  8. After you reset you have the name of the railroad on the cursor.
  9. Click OK and set a data point where the text is to be displayed.
  10. Reset to exit the Railroad function.