Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Command Line Extracts using an SQL Query

To use the --Query= switch, the first two parameters below are required:
  • --BoundaryDef=<BoundaryDefName>
    • If the boundaries being used for extraction are boundaries that were placed with the OpenComms Designer Coax NodeBoundary command, the BoundaryDef=”Coax Nodes”. (This definition uses the NodeBoundary.FEATURELIST.)
    • If the boundaries are OSS Hub boundaries that were placed using OpenComms Designer Place Boundary command, the BoundaryDef=”Fiber Hubs”. (This definition uses the HubBoundary.FEATURELIST.)
  • --FolderCreation=<OneInEach|AllInOne> Determines whether multiple boundaries will be processed with an individual folder, graphic file, and set of database files for each boundary (OneInEach), or if all graphic files will share one set of database files in a single folder (AllInOne).

The query defined by the --Query= parameter must have two columns named:

  • BdryPKValue – This is the primary key value in the table defined by the --BoundaryDef= parameter.
  • BdryName – This is the name of the boundary to use.

SEEDFILE – If the seedfile value is omitted in the query, the seedfile defined in the project is used.

Note: If the boundary being used for the extract is neither a Node Boundary or an OSS Hub Boundary placed with OpenComms Designer, a custom Boundary Definition can be created. See the ‘Add User Defined Boundary’ section for details.

The following sample command line will execute a query that will Extract any OSS Hub boundaries with a name like HUB_x (i.e. HUB_A, HUB_B, etc.) and output the export to the CPVExtractions folder in the Commstownspatial project—one folder for each boundary, with separate database files and graphic files for each. It will remove any old files in that folder if they are present:

CPVExtract --execute=BOTH --project=COMMSTOWNSPATIAL --outputfolder="C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Communications CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\ COMMUNICATIONSSPATIAL\WorkSets\COMMSTOWNSPATIAL\CPVExtractions" --query="select a.xfm_id bdrypkvalue, bdryname from boundary a where type='OSS HUB BOUNDARY' and name like 'HUB__'" --foldercreation=oneineach --boundarydef="Fiber Hubs" --UseLoginToken --cleanoutputfolder --logfilename="C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Communications CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\ COMMUNICATIONSSPATIAL\WorkSets\COMMSTOWNSPATIAL\CPVExtractions\CPVLOGS\CPV_HUB"