Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Amp Name

The Amp Name Auto Fill In command allows you to add the name of each amplifier to the database and place it on the map as text.

Add an Amplifier Name

  1. From the Auto Fill section of the Coax tab click the dropdown and select Amp Name:

  2. The Search Type dialog box opens.

  3. Select the Search type: Entire File, By Shape, By Fence or Single, then click Process.
    • Entire File: searches the extracted DGN for all amplifiers.
    • By Shape: prompts you to identify a polygon such as a power supply or node boundary area.
    • By Fence: prompts you to place points to create a fence. Resetting after placing points closes the fence and processes the contents.
    • Single: prompts you to select an amplifier to be named.
  4. The Enter Amp name dialog box opens.

  5. Enter a name for the highlighted Amp. Bypass can be selected to skip to the next Amp. Selecting Process updates the AMP database and places text on the cursor for placement.

    After placing or skipping the text, the command finds the next amp to name.

    Note: The amp name displays in the amp block cell when the Amp Block Single or Fence command is run. When placing text, the text attributes are controlled by the setting in the Design Display Parameters.