Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Configuration File

The (found in the C:\Program Files\Bentley\Communications CONNECT Edition\ OpenCommsDesigner\mdlsys folder) is used to configure the utility for different users and groups. The ‘Value’ column variables are editable to allow customization of the utility:

The section below lists the Keys and explains what actions the 'Values' control:
  • AdvisoryAdminGroup: The value for this key determines which group will administer the Advisory boundaries. The person(s) who will be authorized to place or edit the Advisory boundaries must be a member of this group. By default, the WorkFlowManager’s ‘Administrators’ Group is used. The user can create and define any Group or GroupName desired for this purpose.
  • AdvisoryType: There are two AdvisoryType methods that can be used to define a user or group for a placed Advisory Boundary.
    • KEEPOUT—this method will notify a user or group whenever placing or modifying any features that fall within an unauthorized boundary. Any user placed in a group with the KEEPOUT variable implemented, will be warned before being allowed to place, lock, edit, or modify any feature that falls within the boundary.
    • KEEPWITHIN—this method will warn a user (or group) when attempting to place, lock, edit, or modify features that fall outside the extents of the advisory boundary.
  • AdvisoryAction: This variable must be set to either ‘BLOCK’ or ‘WARN’. (For this release, only ‘WARN’ is valid—see note below.)
    • ‘BLOCK’ will prevent any invalid operation (as defined by the AdvisoryType variable from being completed.
    • ‘WARN’ will allow this operation, but will display a warning dialog, informing that this operation will violate the user’s AdvisoryType method (i.e. KEEPOUT or KEEPWITHIN)
    Note: For this release, ‘BLOCK’ is not currently supported. All ‘invalid’ operations will receive a warning dialog, but no operations will be ‘BLOCKED’ at this time.
  • NotifywithModal: This variable must be set to ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’. If ‘TRUE’, it will display a Modal dialog requiring user interaction each time an invalid operation is attempted.
  • UseLocalSRID: This variable must be set to ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’. If ‘TRUE’, it retrieves the EPSG Code from the current MicroStation model.
  • SetViewFillAttribute: This variable must be set to ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’. If ‘TRUE’, it turns on the view’s ‘Fill’ attribute when AdvisoryLocks is initialized.
  • SetViewTransparencyAttribute: This variable must be set to ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’. If ‘TRUE’, it turns on the view’s ‘Transparency’ attribute when AdvisoryLocks is initialized.