Bentley OpenComms Designer Help


Open the Design Menu

  1. From the OpenComms Coax tab, select Design from the Placement section:

  2. If not already selected, a warning dialog displays prompting the user to select a spec file:

  3. Choose the equipment file appropriate for the design area and select OK and the Equipment File dialog opens:

    An alternative way to select the correct spec file, if multiple spec files are available, and the correct one is unknown, is to click the Select button in the 'Select Equipment File' dialog:


    The user will be prompted to select a Coax Device by clicking on it. (This feature must already be locked through the Interoperability dialog.)

    When a locked Coax feature is selected by clicking on it, the Coax Design menu automatically loads with the Equipment Spec file that was used to place the selected design feature.

Route Coax

  1. From the OpenComms Coax tab, select Design from the Placement section:

    Note: In DGN persistence mode, if placing design in a new drawing file, an amplifier must first be placed before coaxial routing can begin.
  2. Select an existing coaxial feature on the map to link to one of its available outputs (if one exists).
  3. The Status window opens.

    Note: The Status window remains displayed while designing so that levels and cascade numbers can be monitored. The Tap Mfg setting determines the default Tap Manufacturer series that will be used in design. The Default Tap Series can be changed with this dropdown. All Coax Node actives and Node Cabinets will automatically be assigned a cascade number of ‘0’.
  4. From the Equip File menu, select a drop to use on this design.
    Note: A new drop category can be selected at any time, whether the house count is keyed-in or selected on the screen. Bentley Coax uses the drop category (i.e., the port levels specified in the equipment creation process) to calculate the plate value of the tap and the signal level used for the chosen tap output ports.
    Note: If the drop category is changed to something other than standard (long or short drop), it must be reset to the standard drop type before the next tap is placed. A drop category, once chosen, will be used until it is reset.
  5. From the Equip File menu, select a cable type. At any time, cable type can be changed by selecting a new cable from the equipment menu. The Status Window always displays the current cable with which you are working, as well as the default drop.
  6. Select a House Count or a distance on the map.
    Note: Distances and house counts can be keyed-in when deactivating the Link to Strand design setting. Bentley Coax assumes any number greater than 20 is a distance, and any number less than or equal to 20 is a house count. If the distance is less than or equal to 20, key-in a D first and then the number. If the house count is greater than 20, key-in an H first and then the number. For example, D15 indicates the distance is 15 feet and H40 indicates the house count is 40.
    Note: Distances that were keyed-in (not using the link to strand routing option) will not display in the cable bearing strand Bill of Materials as no Bentley facilities were chosen when routing that plant.
  7. The cable is placed on the cursor for placement. The levels in the Status window are updated, based on the distance and the loss through the cable.
  8. Place the cable on the map.
    Note: If the proper drafting of the new coaxial cable feature requires a vertices or multiple vertices, use the SS keyin command (suspend) to start drafting with vertices. Once the cable is drafted properly, use the SS keyin command again to end the placement of vertices and finalize the drafting of that cable span. While routing, press Reset (right click by default) to center the active view.
  9. If a house count is now selected on the route, the appropriate tap displays automatically at the end of the cable.
  10. A device can be added at any time to the routing process by selecting it in the Equip File menu and placing it on the drawing.
    Note: To remove the last device placed, either type U <Enter> for Undo when prompted for distance, house count or equipment or select Undo from the Design menu. Undo can only be used for ther last feature placed in a route.
  11. The pattern continues throughout the Coax program by touching a distance or house count on the map or selecting equipment from the equipment menu.
    Note: When routing a coaxial network, design can be interrupted at any point to utilize any other MicroStation command. Reset performs an automatic Window Center. Zoom In, Zoom Out, Fit, etc. perform their respective commands. The ability to Attach/Detach reference files, Place Lines, Text or use other available commands are acceptable.
    Note: To end a coaxial route, select the Element Selection arrow on the Main toolbar. The Element Selection arrow will exit you from any OpenComms command.

Route Coax From a Newly Placed Amplifier

  1. From the OpenComms Coax tab, select Design from the Placement section:

  2. From the Equip File menu, select AMP.

  3. If using the Link to Strand design setting, a dialog box opens prompting you to select a pole/ped or house count on the map. This item is attached to a pole/ped where the amplifier is being placed.

  4. The amp is on the cursor for placement. To change the angle of the amp, click Reset and then two Data points to set the active angle. Place the amp on the map with a Data point.
  5. An Information dialog box opens, warning that the input levels of the amp are below the minimums specified in the equipment listing.

    Note: Do not be concerned about this message as it is only a warning that the input levels are below minimums for this first amp since it has no input levels being newly placed.
  6. Click OK to proceed.
  7. Place the amplifier data block near the amplifier.
  8. The Select Output dialog box opens.

  9. Select one of the available output port and click OK to start routing.

Route Coaxial Cable in Duct

  1. From the OpenComms Coax tab, select Design from the Placement section:

    Note: In DGN persistence mode, if placing design in a new drawing file, an amplifier must first be placed before coaxial routing can begin.
  2. Select a device on the map to link to one of its outputs or select an amplifier from the Equip File menu and select an enclosure on the map where it will be placed.
  3. The Status window opens.
  4. Select a drop and cable type from the Equip File menu.
  5. Select the duct bundle feature on the map where the conduit tube exists that will house the new coaxial cable feature.
  6. The Conduit Selection dialog box opens.

  7. Select one of the conduit illustrated in the Select Conduit section and click OK to proceed.
  8. The cable is placed on the cursor for placement. The levels in the Status window are updated, based on the distance and the loss of the cable.
  9. Place the cable on the map.
    Note: If the proper drafting of the new coaxial cable feature requires a vertices or multiple vertices, use the SS keyin command (suspend) to start drafting with vertices. Once the cable is drafted properly, use the SS keyin command again to end the placement of vertices and finalize the drafting of that cable span. While routing, press Reset (right click by default) to center the active view.
  10. On the next duct enclosure feature, you can either place a coaxial device inside the enclosure feature by selecting one in the Equip File menu or continue routing the coaxial cable by selecting the next duct bundle feature to populate.
Add NIUs to Specific Addresses
  1. Select the NIU command button and then select an address for NIU linkage.
  2. Select an NIU model from the equipment menu and place the NIU device near the selected address.
  3. Select another address for NIU linkage or select a different command to exit the NIU placement function.