Bentley OpenComms Designer Help


The OpenCommsExternalReporter is configured using the OpenCommsExternalReporter.exe.config. located in the C:\Program Files\Bentley\Communications CONNECT Edition\OpenCommsDesigner folder.

This file contains an <appSettings> section which holds values used to define settings such as the Export Folder destination and Logging criteria. This is the only section of this file that should be edited manually.

Key Name Value Notes
Use OracleSSO True or False True if Oracle Single Sign-on is used.
Use EDCommsLogin True or False True if using ED Login credentials.
Culture Windows culture description string Currently only en-US is supported.
ExportFolder Folder name Folder name where exported reports are written.
ReportViewerSeedFolder Folder name Folder name where custom report seed files are found. If left blank, the seed files are located in same folder as the exe file.
ReportViewerFolder Folder name Folder name where new custom reports are written.
ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri “”
QueryDefinitionFileName Folder and file name File holding the query definitions. This is an XML file and should not be edited manually.
DomainsFileName Folder and file name File holding the domain lookup lists referenced by bind variables located in the query definitions. This is an XML file and should not be edited manually.
ProjectSettingsFileName ProjectSettings.xml
LogFileName Folder and file name File holding logging information. If left blank, no logging is created.
MinLoggingPriority Number between 0 and 10 0 = minimal information; 10 = maximum information. Not currently supported.
MaxLoggingPriority Number between 0 and 10 0 = minimal information; 10 = maximum information. Not currently supported.
GeneralLoggingCategory True or False If True, general logging information is sent to the log file. If False, no general logging is outputted to the log file.
TraceLoggingCategory True or False If True, function names are sent to the log file as they are executed by the process. If False, no function names are outputted.
DatabaseLoggingCategory True or False

If True, database sql statements are sent to the log file as they are executed. If

False, no sql statements are outputted.

DefaultConnectionFormat *see below
DefaultPortName 1521 If True, database sql statements are sent to the log file as they are executed. If False, no sql statements are outputted.



    <add key="UseOracleSSO" value="false"/>
    <add key="UseEDCommsLogin" value="false"/>
    <add key="Culture" value="en-US"/>
    <add key="ExportFolder" value="Exports"/>
    <add key="ReportViewerSeedFolder" value="AppConfig\OpenCommsExternalReporter\ReportSeeds"/>
    <add key="ReportViewerFolder" value="AppConfig\OpenCommsExternalReporter\Reports"/>
    <add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value=""/>
    <add key="QueryDefinitionFileName" value="AppConfig\OpenCommsExternalReporter\OpenCommsExternalReporter.xml"/>
    <add key="DomainsFileName" value="AppConfig\OpenCommsExternalReporter\OpenCommsExternalReporterDomains.xml"/>
    <add key="ProjectSettingsFileName" value="AppConfig\OpenCommsExternalReporter\ProjectSettings.xml"/>
    <add key="DefaultConnectionFormat" value="(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST={HostName})(PORT={PortName})) (CONNECT_DATA=(SID={SIDName})))"/>
    <add key="DefaultPortName" value="1521"/>

The first time the OpenCommsExternalReporter is run, the Project Configuration Window displays to allow the user to create database connections to multiple projects.