Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Amp Block

The Amp Block commands allow you to place an amplifier data stamp cell for an amplifier or group of amplifiers. Amp Blocks can be placed during the design process or afterwards as defined in the Coax parameter settings.

Add Amplifier Block

  1. From the Auto Fill section of the Coax tab click the dropdown and select Amp Block:

  2. The Search Type dialog box opens.
    Note: The amp block cell must reside in the Active Cell Library and created with replacement text that are filled in when routing design or by fencing the area. You must define how many fields there are and the field number for each PBA.
  3. The Search Type functions the same as the Amp Name command. If selecting Amp Block 0 thru Amp Block 9, the amp cell specified in the parameter file displays on the cursor for placement.
  4. Click on Process to proceed with the amplifier block placement. Placing a new AMP Block on top of an existing one replaces it.
    Note: To place multiple amp blocks so that Bentley Coax finds each amp automatically, select the Amp Block command. After selecting the command, place a fence around all amps that require amp blocks. After placing the fence shape, the window automatically centers on an amp cell, and an amp block cell displays on the cursor for placement. Place the amp block and select a view for filling in the amp block. If the amp block is placed on top of an existing amp block, the old one will be replaced with the new one.