OpenComms Designer Readme

First Time Installation or Upgrade Existing OpenComms Designer

Any previous versions of OpenCommsDesigner should be uninstalled prior to installing a newer version.

Note: If upgrading from a previous OpenComms Designer installation, and CPVExtract or Comms External Reporter is configured or used, the following files and folder should be copied before uninstalling OpenComms Designer:

Copy the following folder and files: (Path may differ.)

Copy the entire CPVExtract folder found inside the AppConfig directory.

C:\Program Files\Bentley\Communications 2024\OpenCommsDesigner\Config\msdir.cfg

C:\Program Files\Bentley\Communications 2024\OpenCommsDesigner\CPVExtract.exe.Config

  1. Locate the Setup_OpenCommsDesignerx64_xxxx.exe file and double click to begin the installation:

  2. Click the Configure option. This displays the Location page to allow the user to select the installation location:

  3. Use the ellipsis to drill to the desired location or accept the default and click Next to open the Configuration page:

    Note: For most client installations, the default Delivered Configuration will be used to install the WorkSpaces directories locally. The shared WorkSpaces directory structure would not be used (to prevent overwriting the directories on the shared drive). Click Next to open the Database page—select Oracle as the database type and enter the Oracle service name in the bottom of the dialog:

    Note: If using a shared Network Drive to house the project Workspaces folder, the user should still install the Workspaces locally during the install, to avoid overwriting any shared folders on the shared drive.
  4. Check the appropriate boxes on the Features page and click Done when finished:

  5. At the opening dialog again, select the License Agreement box, and click Install to begin downloading the software:

    The software begins downloading all software required for OpenCommsDesigner. This may take a while, depending on whether previous versions were installed or not:

    The dialog below will display when the OpenCommsDesigner installation is complete:

  6. Click Finish to close the dialog.
  7. Check security permissions on C:\Program Files\Bentley folder and propagate Read, Write, and Modify rights to all sub-folders.

After OpenComms Designer has been installed, implement the shared drive Workspaces folder by editing the MSDIR.cfg file found in the config folder in the root of OpenComms Designer:

Edit the _USTN_INSTALLED_CONFIGURATION path with the correct path to the shared Configuration folder on the shared drive. (Use the forward slashes, as shown above.)