Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Spans (Fiber)

A span describes a single fiber cable or a group of cables that can be placed in the network. Open the Fiber Spans setup dialog by clicking on File > OpenComms Settings > OSP – Fiber > Fiber Spans to display the following setup dialog:

Editing a Fiber Span Model

  1. Select a span from the Span List. Highlighting the span loads the information into the dialog box.
  2. Edit the Span Attributes input fields.
    Note: The ‘Inactive’ button in the upper right corner of the Span Attribute dialog can be used to prevent span models from being displayed in the device placement dialog. Any model that has the ‘Inactive’ box checked will not display in the available device dropdown during placement. (However, they still appear in the Span list in the spec file.)
  3. Click Update to save changes into the spec file.

Creating a Fiber Span Model

  1. Key in the span Name in the database field.
  2. From the Location option, select either Aerial or Trench.
  3. Use the Add % field to add additional footages to the original distance when designing. This is referred to as sag length. To give all aerial spans 3% more distance per segment than the strand distance on the base maps, key-in 1.03.
  4. Select the Color value for the span by keying in a value or click the color square next to the Color field to open the selection box. Choose a color for the span.

  5. Key in the Weight value or select the weight option from the pick list by highlighting the line weight symbol.
  6. Either key in or select the pull-down menu of the line Style name for the type of line used for this span type. The Scale field sets the scale of the line for plotting purposes. Set the Scale field to 0.0. If certain line types do not plot correctly, edit this field until the line types plot correctly.
  7. Click Add to save the span into the spec file.

Deleting a Span Model

  1. Highlight the name in the Span List.
  2. Click Delete to remove the span from the spec file.
    Note: A Span that is in use within a project cannot be deleted. In order to delete a Span from the Span Attributes dialog, all of that particular model of Span must be replaced in the existing network before it can be removed.

Spans Guide

A Span is either a single fiber cable or a group of cables. Be certain to plan exactly how the span types are to be implemented before entering data into the spec file. It is recommended that you have a clear idea of all necessary span types before building the spec file.

A sample span file could include the following:

Span A1 covers all single-aerial-existing fiber cable.

Span A2 covers all single-aerial-future fiber cable.

Span A3 covers all multiple-aerial-existing fiber cable.

Span A4 covers all multiple-aerial- future fiber cable.

Span B1 covers all single-buried-existing fiber cable.

Span B2 covers all single-buried-future fiber cable.

Span B3 covers all multiple-buried-existing fiber cable.

Span B4 covers all multiple-buried-future fiber cable.