Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Nodes (Fiber)

A node is the termination point of the signal flow. It is a piece of equipment placed in the network. Open the Fiber Nodes setup dialog by clicking on File > OpenComms Settings > OSP – Fiber > Fiber Nodes to display the following setup dialog:

Editing a Node Model

  1. Select a node from the Node List. Highlighting the node loads the information into the dialog box.
  2. Edit the Node Attributes input fields.
    Note: The ‘Inactive’ button in the upper right corner of the Node Attribute dialog can be used to prevent Node models from being displayed in the device placement dialog. Any model that has the ‘Inactive’ box checked will not display in the available device dropdown during placement. (However, they still appear in the Node list in the spec file.)
  3. Click Update to save changes into the spec file.

Creating a Node Model

  1. Key in the node Model and Manufacturer name.
  2. Key in the number of Fibers used by the node.
    This number can be zero as node internals can be added and removed as needed in a new or existing node with the Connections > Manual command in Bentley Fiber.

    Note: If this device will be used in Fiber to the Premise design using the FTTP utility, check the appropriate radio button for this to be used as a NID or an LCC device.

  3. Key in the Cost.
  4. To activate the Select Cell window, type in the cell Name and press enter or click on Select and select the appropriate cell from the Select Cell dialog box list.

  5. Highlight a component in the Components window and edit the field in the smaller window below.

    The names of these connection points can be modified to any six alphanumeric characters name. Highlight a component in the large window and edit the field in the smaller window below.

  6. Select the Rec (receive) check box to define the highlighted component as a receiver. Uncheck it to define it as a transmitter.
  7. Select the O/S (optical system) check box to identify the component for which an optical system will be created when using the O/S creation by node command in the OpenComms OS/Circuit Manager.
  8. Click Save to save modifications made to individual component. Otherwise, the information will not be updated.
  9. Click Add to save the node into the spec file.

Deleting a Node

  1. Highlight the name in the Node List.
  2. Click Delete to remove the node from the spec file.
    Note: Nodes models already in use within the network cannot be deleted. In order to delete a Node from the Node Attributes dialog, all of that particular model of Fiber Nodes must be replaced in the existing network before it can be removed.

Nodes Guide

The nodes should be considered Node Types. There are other devices in a fiber network that may have similar characteristics to a Node type. Some networks use certain building symbols and use them in conjunction with node types.

A Node type is a terminating device. Bentley Fiber recognizes node types as locations where fiber ends. If there is fiber cable going into and continuing from a node, place a splice type in front of the node.

Be certain to plan exactly how to implement the node types before entering data into the spec file. Have a complete list of all node types before building the spec file.

Note: Multiple sheaths can be connected to a Fiber Node.