Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Device Location Report

The Device Location Report utility is used to create report dialogs that list all of the Strand, Duct, Coax, and/or Fiber or

Copper devices that exist in an entire extraction, or if desired, within a fenced area. As shown below, one or more Category Types may be selected, to be included in the Device Report. Coax and Fiber features were selected for this report.

The Device Location Report may be exported to either a text file or to a Comma Separated Values file.

Note: The Device Location Report displays House Number, Apartment Number (Group Count Addresses for MDUs), and Street Name in the Primary ID 1 column. It also displays the City, State, and Zip in the Primary ID 2 column.
Note: When processing a Device Location Report (to calculate Lat/Lon values), if poles are extracted, and ‘Strand’ is selected from the list of devices to process, the XY Coordinates of the pole will be used to determine the Lat/Lon of the pole and ALL devices linked to that pole.

If no poles are extracted, or ‘Strand’ is not selected in the list of devices to be processed, then the report will use the XY coordinates of the devices themselves, to calculate the Lat/Lon values.