Bentley OpenComms Designer Help

Title Block

Wall title block displays duct information in a wall layout diagram (butterfly drawing).

Open the Wall Title Block Dialog Box

  1. From the Bentley OpenComms menu, select File > OpenComms Settings > Facilities > Title Block:

  2. The Wall Title Block Setup dialog box opens:

Edit the Wall Title Block

  1. Click the Select button and scroll through the Select Cell library to find the Duct Title Block cell.
  2. Highlight one of the positions in the Current fill-ins List.
  3. Highlight a field in the Available fill-in fields.
  4. Click <-Set fill-in button. The Current fill-ins List updates with the new field.
  5. The Bundle Length Precision and Conduit Size Precision boxes allow the user to define the number of decimal points to define those values. If 0 is entered the values for those measurements will be rounded to whole numbers.
  6. Click Update to save the information in the database.

Create the Wall Title Block

  1. Key in a level between 12 & 15 for the new title block.
  2. Click Select to select a cell from the cell library to use in the wall layout diagram.
  3. Select the number of fields to be included in the title block.
  4. Fill in all Current fill-ins positions with Available fill-in fields making sure each field is properly positioned in the title block as indicated by the Field position number. A maximum of 9 fields can be used in the title block.
  5. Click Update to save the information in the database.